ITT: Talking shit about AMD

This is a good chart for Page 3

It's because there's a few games no one plays, that intel does really well in, which make it into every benching suite.
Only Intel could fix a security flaw with a fix that suffers from the same security flaw :rofl:
lol y am i not surprised that chinese-owned AMD is constantly releasing fake news about "security flaws" in intel chips

no intel chip has lost 30% lol or even 1%

amd is owned by a shell corporation in dubai r around the same time they got a new chinese ceo funny how that works and then magically all these non-verifiable stories of security leaks start coming out

my god imagine being so brainwashed that u want worse performance and ur proud of it

intels on top and as much as i'd like for them 2 get some real competition, amd just isnt the company 2 provide it

we need some other companies 2 step up and offer some real challenge
listen odio
ill make u the same offer i made epi
if u need 2 borrow some money so u can build a ~real~ computer w genuine top-performance intel parts, im happy to loan u a few g
if only 2 make u stop reeeeeing like a child about this once n 4 all

intel is #1
amd is not

thread over thx 4 play
intel has nothing. their absolute best consumer chip is getting clowned by amds mainstream platform.
a cursory glance at every graph u have autistically vomited over this forum places 3-5 intel chips at the top in every single test so idk maybe goshin gave u brain cancer when he ran u off discord
mayb i am just confused but it looks like this amd chip:

is twice this intel chip

n all of ur "benchmarks" show this half-price intel chip absolutely dominating the amd 1 so idk


looks like the thread is still over

hint: u lost LOL
That half-price chip doesn't have hyper-threading, so it causes stuttering a the majority of popular titles. you're tech illiterate though so you wouldn't know about that.

Also, I don't care about gaming, i'm not autistic. I don't post those benchmarks for me. They're just to show that amd is literally the same at gaming and measurably faster at EVERYTHING else.

(Because you cucks care about gaming)
I'll use graphs that matter from now on so that you can understand more clearly.