[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

This is way past due guys, Tribalwar need to have a Code of Conduct.

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The accuser’s brother worked for a law firm BakerHostetler which had hired Fusion GPS to investigate money laundering in Cyprus from Russian company Prevezon. The very same fusion GPS responsible for Christopher Steele’s dossier. How weird is that?

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The accuser’s brother worked for a law firm BakerHostetler which had hired Fusion GPS to investigate money laundering in Cyprus from Russian company Prevezon. The very same fusion GPS responsible for Christopher Steele’s dossier. How weird is that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That IS weird. What a small world. :shrug:
I honestly must be missing something. I don't see anything he's doing as 'bad' for the country. I see it as probably bad for those that were somehow invested in whatever it is he destroyed
He's not doing anything bad or dangerous nor is he going against the constitution. The federal agencies classify everything as national security so we cannot see the evil shit they are doing behind our backs.

'National security' is out of control and we need to get them to stop classifying everything as detrimental to the safety and security of our nation.
So the deep state won't testify until there is an FBI investigation...

Find me the triple
I'll find you the crime

blameless anyone????
then i'll call you a retard

...oh looky what we found here mr k
during our investigation into... what was it about
looks like you took your parent's car out for a joy ride when you were 14...
driving without a licence mr. k (tru story for someone...)
we're not sure a supreme.....bobloblaw

i have dreams and aspirations of becoming a supreme court justice so i'm not telling you guys nutin'
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Gotta admit, it's a darn good bluff. Just enough details to convince retards devoid of critical thinking skills that a crime must have happened, but absolutely no details that can be disproved due to their vagueness.

and maybe all they're working toward is hanging that cloud above his supreme court nomination. So they can reeeeeeeeeeeee later about a stand he makes in the future...

for the constitution
I honestly must be missing something. I don't see anything he's doing as 'bad' for the country. I see it as probably bad for those that were somehow invested in whatever it is he destroyed

It's all a matter of perspective, you're just not viewing the world through the the lens of a sky screaming liberal.

