Thoughts on Cod WWII (Beta)

I already bought call of duty and call of duty 2.

They're not getting me a 3rd time for the same game.
Hypno rage quit for the win!!!!


Raging all over your mom pwning M60 style wasn't as bad as all the hot carl users
Ahh bc2. The last pc game I really played. So much fun. I only play Xbox games now. The beta didn't seem sell me at all. I canceled my pre-order. I think I'm done with COD for good. Skipped Infinite, mw remaster...bought advanced warfare 2(?) and blops3 and didn't enjoy them much or pay them for very long. Title is dead to me I think
Game will be doa on PC - everyone wants battle royale now. Will probably be the least successful game of the series on console. Don't see a reason to play this when you could have been playing BF1 already. Maybe they'll finally try changing things up instead of reskinning the same game every time.