The good old days

Also, if someone knows where WarWitch disappeared to. .I'd like to reconnect with him

He's doing some YouTube/Twitch stuff. I think you can find him on Google. WarWitch.TV or something like that. I watched a few clips and he comes across as a pretty odd dude, but he definitely still has a great voice for broadcasting.
Source was leaked a few years ago, it's not that valuable in terms of spurring a tribes revival.

Realistically the combination of time, place, and interest can't be replicated easily with money alone.

Yea, the market is crowded and I think the high difficulty level of Tribes is a turn-off in a culture where dumb shit like CoD, CS:GO, and LoL dominates. The average player just wants a casual game where they can drop in and feel powerful for a while. The learning curve in Tribes is steep enough that it's not really possible. The speed and movement add a huge layer of difficulty. That's why the game is ultimately better, but it also might be an impediment to attracting new players.

Honestly though, base Tribes with full teams (was it 11v11?) would be a way better eSport than a lot of the shit people currently play. The specific roles (i.e. capper/HO/LD), the speed of play, the importance of strategy, and the high skill gap all make it a very good package for an observer.

No AAA developer is going to throw their weight into that type of game though when they can release lazy "feet stuck to the ground" shooters and make more money.