"BlueLines" Plugin - change colors of menu stuff



added minimap background color and zoomed crosshair color

download link in the first post updated :)

:heart: damaster and spy
it works fine its just not setting the color automatically

put this in your autoexec or some other script that loads after plugins:


or whatever RGB value you want (thats 0 red, 200 green 200 blue)
i put it in autoexec and it still doesn't work (both reticle and minimap color). blue hud color & interface lines from previous versions work fine.
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idk whats wrong 'cause it works fine for me

i just extracted to a fresh config, edited the last 2 lines of default_customcolors.cs and then renamed it to customcolors.cs, worked OK

u sure ur using 0.35 and customcolors.cs is loading?

to be honest i'm a little torn about how to approach the defaults - originally i figured for simplicity, it would just set everything to blue and people could change it later

now there are 21 settings and i dont wanna force my prefs on everyone so i stopped applying my settings past #10

im thinking maybe of not doing any defaults next version and making ppl use customcolors

or maybe adding a var like $bluelines::setdefaults or ignoredefaults or something to determine whether it pushes the blue settings at startup or not


what do u think
I think u should make a plugin or w/e that inserts a nice color/opacity slider for individual things like laser xhair, map BG, etc..

That's what I think.
I think u should make a plugin or w/e that inserts a nice color/opacity slider for individual things like laser xhair, map BG, etc..

That's what I think.

ya i was sorta thinking the same thing, for sure would be easier than using the commandline to set stuff

in scriptGL it would be ez pz but i dont want to do it scriptGL

ideally i'd want it as a stock .gui that you could use ingame like the tab menu, problem is i've never even attempted to make a .gui from scratch

also spy pointed out that if u change the sniper xhair color it affects the IFF health bar color

i'll fix that in a later release
if u want to do a tab menu thing here is some code by worstaim u can use for that

//Bind a key to this function.  It will bring up a clear tab menu with the title "Custom Menu Options".  Add menu items to buildCustomMenu as needed

function CS::game::scoresOn()
   remoteEval(2048, scoresOn);
   schedule("buildCustomMenu();", 0.2);

function buildCustomMenu()
   %curItem = 0;

   CS::buildMenu("Config Options:", "Options");
   CS::addMenuItem(%curItem++ @ "Pref 1 " @ $pref::One, "Pref1");
   CS::addMenuItem(%curItem++ @ "Pref 2 " @ $pref::two, "Pref2");
   // CS::addMenuItem(%curItem++ @ "new Menu plz?", "option3");

function CS::buildMenu(%title, %menuCode)
   remoteNewMenu(2048, %title);
   $menuCode = %menuCode;

function CS::addMenuItem(%title, %code)
   addCMCommand(CurServerMenu, %title, CS::menuSelect, %code);

function CS::menuSelect(%code)
   %evalString = "CS::processMenu" @ $menuCode @ "(\"" @ %code @ "\");";

function CS::processMenuOptions(%code)
   if(%code == "Pref1")

   else if(%code == "Pref2")

   else if(%code == "option3")
      echo("Option 3 was clicked - Building a new menu");

      %curItem = 0;

      CS::buildMenu("Custom Menu 2:", "Options2");
      CS::addMenuItem(%curItem++ @ "This is menu2", "option1");
      return; //When you build a new menu, don't forget the return statement or you'll end up calling remoteEval(2048, scoresOff);    ;)

   //don't remove this.  It needs to be at the bottom of every new CS::processMenu that you use
   remoteEval(2048, scoresOff);

function CS::processMenuOptions2(%code)
   if(%code == "option1")
      echo("Option 1 on menu2 clicked");

   //Again, you need this at the bottom of ever "CS::processMenu" that you have
   remoteEval(2048, scoresOff);

function CustomMenu::InitBinds()	after GameBinds::Init {

	$GameBinds::CurrentMapHandle = GameBinds::GetActionMap2( "playMap.sae" );
	$GameBinds::CurrentMap = "playMap.sae";
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "Config Menu", "CS::game::scoresOn();" );