Fresh Corn on the Cob

I love the machine gun stacatto effect corn gives to my morning shit.

Also funny is sweetness level from one end of the country to the other.
NJ corn is so fucking sweet, it's ambrosia. There's just not enough grown - the Garden State, indeed.
Tice's farm...ummmmboy.

But in CA we have corn that is very sweet and yet, lacks some character.
Much more pastel in yellow, too.

You know corn is grass and that if not for the genius of our ancentors we would in no way be able to engineer corn today?
It took successive generations, something we have no patience for, to achieve.
I've always loved corn, got a farm or two that grow it within walking distance from my house. But with braces it makes it a lot more of a hassle to eat.

dude, just hold the ear vertical and cut it off the kernals with a knife. works like a charm and I do it even without braces. fuck the dental floss dessert after a plate o' corn.
I love the machine gun stacatto effect corn gives to my morning shit.

Also funny is sweetness level from one end of the country to the other.
NJ corn is so fucking sweet, it's ambrosia. There's just not enough grown - the Garden State, indeed.
Tice's farm...ummmmboy.

But in CA we have corn that is very sweet and yet, lacks some character.
Much more pastel in yellow, too.

You know corn is grass and that if not for the genius of our ancentors we would in no way be able to engineer corn today?
It took successive generations, something we have no patience for, to achieve.

indeed. im a nerd and watched a movie called 'King Corn'... basically a documentary type deal where some dudes from the east coast went out to iowa and raised 1 acre of corn to see how its done/what happens to it when you harvest it and sell it off.

according to the film, the corn we raise today (not sweet corn, the other kind) basically has shit for nutrients. they engineered the fuck out of it to get the most starch and other desirable aspects that they pretty much weeded out all of the healthy portions of it.

another interesting tid bit.....

they use most of this corn to feed live stock. too bad cows werent meant to live on a diet of mostly corn like that. apparently its a good thing we slaughter cows when they're about a year and a half old, because on that kind of diet they'd die in another 6 months anyway.

grass fed beef takes 2-3 years to get to market weight, corn fed beef takes 6 months to a year. couple the gross overfeeding with the concentration camp-like feeding lots they put them in, where they can't move very much and just eat all day... you get a bunch of fatties in no time.

its kind of sad. and i'd care if they weren't so delicious. although i'd like to try grass fed beef sometime, see if theres a difference.
dude, just hold the ear vertical and cut it off the kernals with a knife. works like a charm and I do it even without braces. fuck the dental floss dessert after a plate o' corn.

Yeah that's what they suggest you do and my brother did that back when he had them. I find it takes the fun out of eating the corn itself though. Buttering and salting it before chomping down like a beaver while slowly rotating the cob, mastering your technique to get every kernel without burning your hands as they hold the still-hot ends, it's all just such a rush.

Apparently with the sudden absence of bee's corn crops have been a little fucked.
I'm allergic so when I heard about the bee epidemic I was pretty pleased. There must be some machine we can build to pollinate our plants for us.

Didn't Albert Einstein predict that without bee's we'd die out in something like four years?
grilled corn on the cob is fuggin titties and its easy

remove all hair from corn and leave one layer of husk on
soak corn in water for 45 minutes to an hour
put on the grill until the husk is a uniform tan all the way around
remove husk
slather in butter
mow down
I'm allergic so when I heard about the bee epidemic I was pretty pleased. There must be some machine we can build to pollinate our plants for us.

Didn't Albert Einstein predict that without bee's we'd die out in something like four years?

The radiation of our cell phone is killing the bees!