[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

wyte trash effemcuck fukn pussyass fuccboi fukn l0s3r chekkn dafuqqqq innnn 4 mo slaps rite dafuq cross muh fukn pussyass pastyass fukn effemcuck faggetass fukn teefz n m0uf yus lykka i b so use 2 receevn irl ok n 2day gon b lukkn 4 sharp nuff coat hangr 2 finish wut dafuq muh mom startd wenna i wuzzin her pussy ok bv wishn me lukz 2day yall FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUKME N FUKU 2 MOM FUK!! ! !
lil pussyass effemcuck wyte trash faggetfuk numale no him b soundn lykkit 2 lma0 wtf smdh lol :jester:
get fucked nigroid reply to someone who will waste time with you

Weird, I'm agreeing with you. It's far better to vote for someone openly corrupt and abusive who will enact socialist policy rather than vote for someone who could eventually be corrupt and abusive and who occasionally says insensitive things.
>socialist policy


man you are really good you shuld be a dentist plz do not shadow ban
purgeatory is only havng fol, flip, cpttele, and havax reply to ur posts





favorite being to put the child lock on your parents FAUX NEWS channel


can we just stop funding public education already?

it is just making everyone dumber at this point
It's been a long time coming but we really needed that. I'm sure it will be challenged by courts in Hawaii and California but eventually it will make it to the Supreme Court and everything will be fine.
Also, for those of you who have been keeping an eye on the QAnon stuff.

Confirmed, it was a larp.

J/K, we got the biggest confirmation one could ask for, if you can honestly watch this and go, "Yeah no, it's still a larp", well, then I don't know what to tell ya. Just waiting for the press to ask the [Q]uestion...

I love everything about this idea, it kills two birds with one stone.

The 14th amendment of the constitution guarantees birthright citizenship, and the powers of the president don't include the ability to amend the constitution.

Yea I'm not sure what the legal argument is here, it's pretty clear language regardless of whether it was intended to cover anchor babies. I suppose it could be used as a redpilling for black people, seeing as the 14th was basically written to ensure that states couldn't deprive slave babies of US citizenship, but other than that I'm not sure what the play is here.