Mitch you're just as narcissistic and egotistical as Trump.

Even if that were anywhere close to true, I'm doing nothing that affects anyone else. Apart from Pagy and Plasmatic who have these worrying obsessions but hey, I can't be blamed for them being who they are.
If you want to behave like a deplorable cunt about the virus, as long as you don't hurt anyone else, fill your boots. But when you take down millions of others with you whose only crime is being a bit of a dim sheep, line is drawn, karma will deal with this one.

Maybe trump should have just thrown the infected into the furnace like china.

That would have made Mitch happy.

Very loving.
Ah the old "not as bad as Hitler" chestnut. The cornerstone of any winning argument. :ftard:

What argument?

Trump did a fantastic job of handling covid.

Just because you believe the federal government should step in and strip our constitutional rights, doesn't make you right.
It's easy to hind sight. Biden is saying he will make tests that come back with the result immediately. Trump has nothing to do with that, yet Trump is being blamed like it should have already been done. They're working on tests that come back in 15 minutes. It's easy to sit there and say everything we have now should have been done back in February. Trump brought up H1N1.


Well you didn't do very well in swine flu. H1N1. A disaster.

21:38 BIDEN

14,000 people died, not 200,000. There was no economic recession. We didn't shut down the economy. This is his economy, it's been shut down. The reason it’s shut down is because -- look you folks at home. How many of you got up this morning and had an empty chair at the kitchen table because someone died at COVID. How many of you are in a situation where you lost your mom or dad and you couldn't even speak to the nurse holding the phone up so you could in fact say goodbye. By the way, his own CDC director says, we could lose as many as another 200,000 people between now and the end of the year, and he held up he said, if we just wear a mask we can save half those numbers -- just just a mask. And by the way, in terms of the, the whole notion of a vaccine. We prefer a a vaccine, but I don't trust him at all, and neither do you, I know you don't. What we trust is a scientist.

See how messed up Biden's answer is? The reasons it's shut down is -- Look you folks at home??? So we blame trump for shutting down the economy. The thing about the mask, is they were telling people not to wear them so first respondors could get them.
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It's easy to hind sight. Biden is saying he will make tests that come back with the result immediately. Trump has nothing to do with that, yet Trump is being blamed like it should have already been done. They're working on tests that come back in 15 minutes. It's easy to sit there and say everything we have now should have been done back in February.

This is a good point and everytime you see someone blame trump for the covid deaths, just remember you are more than likely talking/listening to someone who is low IQ.

I watched every press conference in March and April and Trump did just a fine job. Even Fauchi says that.