The US Constitution is a contract....

Is mitch really saying that democracy is shit?

Like the sort of person who lives in a place where its even illegal to be typing here.

The kind of person we could send to the gulag of arabia?
how mitch would like us to get things done




too bad him and his "family" tried this before a few hundred years ago and we put them all down........we sent them back to his country a packing if you know what i mean
what? lol

the UK was always a monarchy until around 1918. :shrug:

The UK is still a monarchy if you wanna be technical about it.. A constitutional monarchy - very much accepted as a democratic system. The only real significance of 1918 is that it's when women got the vote... a couple of years before they did across the USA...

However, it's had that same basic system of government since the late seventeenth century.. a time when America was still very much colonial.

Glorious Revolution - Wikipedia

It has been argued, mainly by Whig historians, that James's overthrow began modern English parliamentary democracy: the Bill of Rights 1689 has become one of the most important documents in the political history of Britain and never since has the monarch held absolute power.
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The UK is still a monarchy if you wanna be technical about it..

this from the same guy who said give up your 2nd Amendment America it isn't like doing so will turn your nation into an Orwellian Dystopian shithole or anything

Police: Man sent to jail for sending 600 racist tweets -

The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we know | WIRED UK

Nazi pug: Man arrested after teaching girlfriend

nope that isn't at all what will happen MC HAMSTER says

just give up these archaic rights and move into post modernism fellow man

maybe u British expats and lovers of the crown should keep your shit inside your prison cells before it spills over onto our land.....the one we already liberated a few times from your demented incestual ancestors

oy wut u tink we gut over heres gubna

some 1984 tele shit



i mean jfc it is like the internet lets actual irl prisoners lecture us about our country now over our own tw platform.......

one which if either of their govs knew they were on they would be arrested for
If I gave you a choice between setting your balls on fire or punching you in the face, would you argue on the internet for everyone to get punched in the face because it's a great thing?

But Glare didn't set your balls on fire. What other kinds of horrifying tortures do they perform over there in that desert shithole?
There isn't a business in this world that would operate on a contract like that. Such a business would have been bankrupt long before Der Orangenfuhrer learned how to spell it.
There aren't any businesses that print their own currency or declare war on other sovereign nation's.

How goddamm fucking stupid are you anyway? Oops, I forgot you have this masochistic need to be abused.

that constitution created the longest lasting democracy in history.

obviously doing something right :shrug:

Unless you're talking about white male property owners, no, it did not.

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