Post your weight, And your dietary habits.

isuk and kurayami are pretty much two people who have no clue about personal fitness. It actually includes mental fitness also and you both are disqualified.
230 pound, eat play videogames gorge play videogames shit gorge piss jerk it sleep steak sub for midnight snack sleep - add chain smoke to all in betweens
6'2" and 175lbs

I eat a lot of salads, sandwiches, veggies, rice, chicken, and fish. I do not eat fast food at all anymore. I only drink water, coffee (black), and iced tea (unsweetened).

If you guys want to lose weight the first recommendation is do NOT eat fast food and do NOT drink sodas/sugary Starbucks drinks/excessive alcohol.

PS: Kura you're a fucking fat ass judging by your picture
180lb at 6'0" and about 10% B.F.

Today's schedule will look something like this:

7am abs work then walk to gym
9am cardio
10am protein + low G.I. carb + creatine shake
11am weights
12pm protein shake, cereal, crisps
1pm 2 packets of noodles
3pm lasagne
5pm Sandwich or something
7pm Dinner, maybe a little football or cricket afterwards
9pm Protein shake (with milk this time)

Daily intake around 4000 - 5000 calories and about 200g protein (reasonably high B.V.). I train like this for 3-4 days straight then have a day off. This will change nearer to the start of term time to cut rather than bulk (that and I won't really have time to sit around eating all day).

And I thought I was skinny. Some of you guys are twigs. And I bet KittyCat can probably eat 4k calories in a day. But I also bet he still looks like a little kid.
Really unless your playing a sport. What is the point in being super fit? I play a sport, train 3 times a week and play on saturday. But i'm not a super gym freak.
6'1" 220

I eat healthy food


That's me.

Except for the 'healthy food' bit.

I kinda eat whatever. I try to avoid heaps of fast food, but I'm a shift worker and sometimes there's not much else available. I'm certainly carrying weight but I don't think anyone's ever referred to me as being fat.
Really unless your playing a sport. What is the point in being super fit?
I get so much more done when I am active and in shape due to what feels like limitless energy levels. I come home from a 14 hour day, clean the house, cook dinner then hit the gym and when its all done I sleep like a baby.
5'10" - 205 Chunky (you know what I look like)

Eat healthy meals every day.

Just that I'm stuck in the cube farm all day.

As you get older, your knees go bad, and you don't have time for sports. To all runners, try to run on grass, not pavement.

eating breakfast right now which is 2 pieces whole wheat with peanut butter and 4 scoops weight gainer and 1 kaishi granola bar.

trying to gain weight right now, so in a typical day its not uncommon for me to eat between 3200 calories to 3500, spaced out between 7-8 meals throughout the day.