Epstein dead

is Maxwell/gov holding out at this point? Is there a longer list that names will dribble out from,,, Maxwell hasn't revealed all... tapes notes ... this stuff only comes out at trial? I would have thought by now she'd have let everything out of the bag... then there's no more reason to kill her?
that leaves only 2 possibilities
1. the whole thing was a big nothingburger
2. the pedos have upped their game and are playing some kind of 13d chess with maxwell behind the scenes. that's the only reason we could have been wrong predicting her 'suicide'
Lib/Dems don't like to talk about rape, human trafficking, women's rights abuses any more. Hasn't worked out in their favor. Of course, if there is a republican involved, they will pipe up again.
Epstein was a CIA asset controlled by Bush Sr. After Hildog lost he was no longer useful since his leverage didn't matter anymore. The government already knows who is on the list because they made the damn thing. Now it's just a matter of a few sacrifices of additional no longer useful assets. Need to cover up official involvement correctly because kid diddling will get white people angry and they're already at wits end from being called racist 24/7 by the (((media))). When whites chimp out even rich heads roll.

You are forgetting Mossad.