Anyone else ever set off a smoke detector with a fart?

We are your elders.
We want you to go live a happy life and quit living off our donation dollars here in the basement at TW.
Go slush, fly. Be happy.
I know, logic hurts for non-boomers.
Simple -

Let's rephrase 1 more time.
You complain about TW:
1) You want your account deleted
2) You whine that it is full of boomers.

And yet - you stay here in GD, which is a subforum. Kinda like a basement, isn't it?
So, you live in a basement of old people living off of their work and all the time complaining.

Go! Create! Be Free! Be Happy! Discover the world and do great things. Use that thing on top of your neck for positive purposes. Quit with the negative Nancy loop. Discover. Expand. Innovate. Choose life, Slush.

Go - leave home.
It's OK - we won't throw you out. You can stay with us here in the boomer basement safespace until you are ready, rainbow colored slush :)
Also, blackpeople - brother, this is your home and us old boomers take care of our own no matter how much shit is slung.

if u cheaped out and got one of those $7.99 ching chang chinaman Kidde brand smoke detectors from the home deepthroat (aka China Palace), ur guaranteed to have set it off by farting, or breathing within 500 yards of it, or looking out the window, having a shower somewhere in the same city as your house, or some other shit like that

Establishment ordered to empty out during the course of a night at a Keswick lake district hostel. All sleeping guests marshaled outside into the darkness (it was snowing) in response to the order to evacuate due to fire alarm on three perfectly timed intervals. We didn't bother heading out into the snow on the second and third occasion as we figured out the we might be the cause.

Night staff finally removed the SD in our room.

Culprit - delicious purple cabbage side to my pub meal.