Loco Hombre Off the Mexico

6' 9" tri-fin Rusty Blackbird

great story

good content

enjoyed every word and hope it is a great new world

btw did you know old rusty ?

being that he went to your alma mater around the time you went there?

BTW - do you speak the lingo?

one of my favorite jazz albums great stuff

I do ok on getting my point across in spanish, but i lose people when they start rapid conversations

I hope I get better with my spanish speaking skills, (hell, i could do better with my english speaking skills to be honest.)

You (everyone) should try skiing at least once.

I've owned skis but honestly can't say I'm a skier. It's fun. Just didn't put the time or money into it.
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En Serio?
well at least this part helps hehe (or should i say jajaja... see I can speak spanish)

"...Of course, more Americans die in Mexico because vastly more Americans travel to Mexico than any other country. This holds true to a lesser degree for some of the other countries near the top of this ranking, including the Dominican Republic and Jamaica..."

how many )))americans((( died in Chicago within the same period. and do you realized how many """americans""" travel back to Mexico every year to see their families?

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btw did you know old rusty ?

being that he went to your alma mater around the time you went there?

I went to UCSD thinking I'd get to surf Blacks everyday...
hehe but college became 'put your head down work to pay bills and study time'
hardly got to surf at all... maybe every other week I got out.
didn't know to look for father Rusty back then
I'm looking at big island land next month. Gonna retire next Friday.

Let me know how that goes. Really, you're welcome to come to Mazatlan and surf... dodge the bullets with me.

Went to Oahu right out of high school. Stayed with a bunch of friends on the North Shore. Had a pretty good time. Caught big waves. Tried not to piss off the locals (fuckem, even if you were in position they got all pissy and cut you off.) Surfed with Mark Richards (a hero of mine) at laniakea. Saw Shaun Thompson at Backdoor. Got the longest tube of my life at Off the Wall. Also busted my eardrum (wave drove my knee into my ear) at Off the Wall too... still a favorite spot. Nearly drowned at Bastards Bowl. Deformed my toe for life at Sunset (never new what it meant for a wave to jack up until that place.)
... left a year and half later because my parents were freaking that I was gonna be a bum,,, even though I had a job driving an icecream truck and making the fat Samoan kids run after me...

started college,,, and surfing nearly stopped.

anyway Let's surf
that's my plan until i can't stand up anymore

then ima boogie-board

This is Los Pinos
a break within walking distance of my Condo... can be a really long left; not the best vid, but.... comon' and visit

Isla de la Piedra - Escollera
I guess this is kinda secret spot because I can't find any good vids, but I've surfed this place twice at least this big and more hollow... shh don't tell anyone else, there's only 4 other guys out at a time. This wave is why I bought the Rusty 6'9". The ferry to get to it is 5 minutes from the casa and a 20 minute walk after that... a wave like this in California would be packed with +30 people a day :/... just look at Trestles in San Clemente to see what surfing in California has become... that's a 40 min walk and it's packed everyday no matter the size.

oh here's the ferry I take to get over to this surf spot... I know you want to see how i get there

...and obligatory 'she's fat' comment here

dont let the door hit u on the way out :wave:

it won't have a chance; ima runnin' out the door from fucsakes like you jahaja hawaii and you prolly don't even surf... whatawaste
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When I open this thread I get ads for treating lice and intestinal worms.

Must be because of the references to California
UBI is the wrong way to go - let the smart(er) niggers and spicks go to free college and let the rest waste and die process them into plant food for some lobbyist to sell i think we'd be better off
dang clu i cant believe u just said no niggers or spics should go to college for free
Today's Mexican Tale well actually two Tales.
First, a few days ago the community of condo owners got together to tell a homeless guy who was sleeping in our stairwell to get the fuck out... but in a nice way. He happens to be a crazy brother of a person who lives in the condo who also isn't really part of the community. Anyway, he left, but then later came back with a knife, went up to his brother's condo where his brother proceeded to try to fend him off and hold him back from, I don't know, trying to fuck with us. I didn't know about this until my wife said there's a security issue go upstairs and help out, where a bunch of us, my neighbor included, who is a nice young guy went up to try to help out the brother who is fending off the insane brother with the knife. condo owning brother was yelling for us to call the police. Me and the younger guy stood in the doorway eyeballing the crazy knife holder waiting to see what to be done. I took a picture of crazy knife holding brother and eye balled him as he waved the knife around threateningly. I didn't feel scared I was more pissed off I think. This insane brother knife holder wouldn't be too much of a match for me but still... holding the knife got to be careful. In the end the police came full suited up body armor rifles drawn. Long story short he was taken away. they said they would keep him for 3 days and drop him off at the place they have for insane people ...some church. he was out the next day, but we changed all the locks downstairs and he can't get back into the stairwell, we haven't seen him since.

Today being Saturday and I don't have to work, I tried to go surfing in Rosarito at k38 which was a bust, ( onshore wind was too strong and there was two little of swell.) Anyway I didn't see the accident got there a few minutes after happened, but the story is on the way back on the highway some guy in a small beat-up pickup pulling a horse trailer with two horses in it rolled his car and when I got there he was upside down inside. When I got there there were people already trying to flip the car back over I look down the road the two horses had escaped and some guy was corralling them up. Everything looked about as under control as could be. I didn't see how I could help and I was just a few cars behind. another guy started to direct traffic around it as I was going by they flip the car back over with the guy still in there he looked okay?? I think his arm looked bloody. The two horses down the road seem to be okay too. The guy was leading them back up the road. Mexicans love their horses; I see them riding horses on the roads all the time. I looked for a police, if I'd seen one I would have stopped and told him about it... but 15 min down the road I didn't see anybody coming or any police to tell.

There you go, stories from Mexico the Wild Wild West. Oh yeah I'm saving money. Got three fish tacos and a shrimp taco for under 4 bucks today. I'm still full and they were delicious. Also all the organic fruit and vegetables down here are cheap because they can't afford pesticides. I'm living the healthy life.
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Today's post is
I was out walking the dogs today and everywhere I look there is trash. Now I know this is Otay Mesa, TJ, Mexico (basically a huge city), and I've lived in Oceanside, San Diego, CA (basically a nicer community of San Diego), but what bothers me the most about this place is
No matter where I go there is trash.
Here's the deal. There is no official government trash pickup and no law enforcement (i think) if you leave/throw your trash around. Don't get me wrong, many 'spanish' hispanics care a lot about this... but )))Vanster's((( don't care at all (nobel indians caring about the land myfuckinfoot.)
ok , if there's one thing I want my government doing besides security, it is trash pickup through taxes.
Every week each person in our condo pays $1 to a private trash company to haul our shit away; not the big stuff, just normal use trash. Not billed, we hand them money through a person who volunteers for this; our neighbors, who come to think about it probably lean toward the )))Vanster((( side of things,,, so don't judge SeV. You don't pay (stand there with pesos in hand the day they pick it up), the trash company doesn't pick up your condos' trash. Problem is, many low class try to squeeze their trash with yours or don't pay at all. wtf, so everywhere you look are huge piles of trash. People throw it down the hillsides, sides of road, everywhere... just thinking about it I guess it could be worse.

(Where i will mainly be retiring, in Mazatlan, it's not nearly or even close to this bad as in TJ; in Mazatlan trash pick up is by the city and they get it 2 to 3 times a week... so this is just about TJ big city living?)
Maybe it's like this in places of LA, but I'm not used to it.

So, back on topic: I want my government to pick up trash for all of us. If we don't pay for it through government, low class people will not care and throw their trash anywhere. Many good ***people*** walk around and pick up their areas. I do. Today I took a trash bag out to the street and picked up random trash; I hope I brought some shame to the )))low class(((. I also go to our communal back yard and picked up glass/trash back there so my dogs don't hurt their paws.

2nd thing I want my socialist part of the government to do is:
Many )))low class((( people think it's ok to let their dogs run around free to poop and die on the streets.
This would not be allowed in the Socialist USA
Dogs either learn to deal with cars or they die here in Mex, (Many three legged dogs here or dead dogs on the side of the road who didn't learn.) Kinda sad; makes me feel bad.
DOG SHIT everywhere
Many ***high class*** people don't do this and pick up after their dogs, but many )))low class((( nobody owns nothing therefore I'm not responsible people, (not my dog, cause nobody owns nutin) let their dogs, fuck, shit, runaround and do whatever they want...

maybe I'm trying to tame the wild wild west, but these two things are the things that bother me the most about not being in a SOCIALIST leaning country like the good 'ol USA. I get it; my taxes are extremely low here... but I think I'd pay for these two things. Universal trash pick up and a humane society

and Vanster, I'm just egging you on here cause it is that race I see having the most difficulties with modern socialist society (taking advantage) or no government (not doing their part)... i don't really think you're that way,,, but maybe cause you've learned the ***high class*** way?

last thing
if you get to the bottom of this post
What is the best way to post pictures here. Really, I'm that ignorant. I have a facebook acct... but don't use it. Should I start and then I could post pics from it? or what company is the best to use... then you guys would get pictures
and some of the beautiful stuff here

you guys understand I only start posting after my third shot of whiskey
so fuck off on my writing style or give me a day to edit
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in the usa, the local humane societies are private and get by on donations

a few cities may operate their own pounds, but idk of any examples

mexico's animal problem is rly a result of there having never been a mexican bob barker
i dunno
I think in Oceanside our "dog pound" was ran by the city. You had to have your dog licenced or they could 'come after you'... or maybe they just had us thinking that. Pretty sure it was a city thing.
You are going to get the shits and become dehydrated.

Do you drink the water out of your tap?
I did in Oceanside. Water tasted good, but then they started desalination... fuck it tastes bad now. My family, friends, everyone I know drinks bottled water... I do that in Mex now too. Brush my teeth, gargle, all with Mex water. At the end I rinse/drink with bottled... like everyone else in California.

yeah i think everyone knew that already

ya, and you're like completely sober right? Right?
  • Moves to Mexico to lead cheaper life.
  • Complains that Mexico does not have the same standards & services as the US.
  • ???