Tribes: Vengeance is 14 times more popular than Midair

fuck you coombz

and it WAS heavy sarcasm, you dipshit

no one likes to be locked on with easy mode weapon
I played T1 and T2 to death. TV was disappointing so I bailed a few months after release. TA I joined very late and am still playing, but it's very dead. Midair I haven't tried yet.
didnt T:A patch out locking onto players with the saber launcher

after like 2 years of people bitching and saying its no skill and retarded
During T2 beta I would follow Qix around with the homing rocket and just go after him.

"See ..retarded"
T;A got super fun when one side had like 3-4 noobringers firing rockets at anyone that used their jets
noobs can't figure out flares, so they rage at the weapon for being unfair.
[–]colblairT2ITB 1 point 5 hours ago
There's too many die hard t1 players on there... You could provide them t1 with better graphics but if it's not called Tribes and released in 1999 they still won't like it and will probably go out of their way to bash it


everyone on TW is dare according to this dood

(also got the year T1 released wrong)
colblair = COLOSUSblair

it's true

it's damn true

it explains the anlrage toward the ~GREATEST GAMING NEWS WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET~
so 845pm EST on a Saturday night, cold as fuck outside. I would expect this to be prime playing time, and it was....for the locked server with 10 people. I had to settle for the server with 5 people, 3 of which soon dropped, leaving me with an AFK.

This game is dead before its even launched, all because of locked PUG server. Typical elitist shit gg vgb
LCTF only appears to be their primary because it doesn't suffer from the balance/unfinished issues of base.

They have been strictly working on base for long time now.

Talking about Midair's game modes is like discussing the paint job of a boat with two or three giant gaping holes at the bottom of it.