don't forget that they want to remove guns from all households that house anyone that ever took any type of mental medication like xanax, klonopin, etc.

so basically, 20 households in america can have guns.

That does sound a bit extreme...

whatever happened to a yearly re-eval? that was a good idea imo...
Rooster...I am about to replace pagy as your biggest neg repper

We already have one hyper hilarious half wit to contend with and lecture into leaving or stfu in here

Two sjw's goyim guzzlers is too much atm
The first people they need to run out of their countries are their alleged politicians and "representatives"

Stopping the flow of mud is paramount to addressing their current issues
Honestly we should be more concerned with bankers than Christians, Muslims, any other religion anyway. Gotta get to the problem at its source- if the Middle East wasn't destabilized for so long (which we have to admit we played a part in...) there wouldn't be terrorists in the first place.

And really, I think more than being an apoligist, what "SWJs" want to do is remind others terrorists are still people first. And that we should be a bit more understanding or practice a bit more humility. Just because Christianity more or less isn't violent NOW, doesn't mean it hasn't been. And sure, that was hundreds of years in the past, but you'd think that having a violent age in Christianity's past would make people a bit more understanding. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible, what Islamic radicals do. But instead of fighting them, we should be fighting the root cause of the problem.

The biggest criminals in our day and age carry a suitcase, and wear a suit and tie. They could give a fuck about what happens in America, or the Middle East, or France, or Russia, of anywhere really- they are "kings of the world". They are purely hedonist, greedy, and -this is an important fact- they WANT us to fight amongst ourselves. We want to divide us as much as possible, to ensure they keep a firm grasp on the power in the world.

GG thread derailment btw

this is what, the 3rd or 4th time someone has used the argument about christianity's past to deflect islam's current human atrocities

it's not our fault that islam is stuck in the 1300s. its not our fault that they still fanatically adhere to principles that are ancient and barbaric. its not our fault that they refuse to ally against our foreign aggression and subversion. its not our fault they kill non-muslims for reward.

we need to understand terrorism? i'm pretty sure the canadian's and german's that ate a load of ball bearings and shrapnel from a suicide bomber the other day understand it quite well. much more than any sjw for that matter.

you want us to fight amongst ourselves, tear down the society we built, and arrest the "shady bankers and lawmakers"? who's going to do that fighting? you? loucypher's cats? while White women are being assaulted for not being muslim you want us to look inward and try to understand foreign invaders rather than call a spade a spade and remove them before they do any more damage than they've already done.

the middle east was destabilized long before america existed and will be long after america is destroyed by undesirable shitskin apologists like you.

i hope there is a great time of reckoning during my life. people like you will be the first to bleed.
i guess its my narrow mindedness and inherent racism that prevents me from understanding a culture that believes its their god given right to mercilessly beat and rape women who don't follow their religious customs in their own fucking country
the middle east was destabilized long before america existed
Only because and as a result of European Imperialism, the same catalyst for our own Revolution.

Now it's continued instability can be attributed to our imperialism and involvement in their affairs motivated by a quest for control over resources and the persistent campaign of overthrowing regimes that don't support us.
Because this because that blah blah blah what a dumb fuck

Welcome to today. If you lived in a Muslim country you'd matter less than dirt.
Hey LouCy

I agree we destabilize them

That we agitate and aggravate an already archaic shithole

That most of the worst IS groups are all but sponsored and supported by the USA

That everything our government says and pushed for is either deceitful or has ulterior motives behind it. Ones that further bankrupt us and hurt them

How any of that negates or disqualifies my personal desires to NOT live next to these heathens... or import more of them to our lands is what I DO NOT KNOW.

Ya feels?
i guess its my narrow mindedness and inherent racism that prevents me from understanding a culture that believes its their god given right to mercilessly beat and rape women who don't follow their religious customs in their own fucking country

Well that's really neat and all but I was watching you get tased this week, and I'm more certain than ever that you've got skin in you. It might not be straight up Blackfoot, but it's something. Just throwing that out there.

My brutha.
IS is a Mossad front to ensure continued US aid to Israel. If we pulled our soldiers out of the Middle East and let the Zionists fend for themselves we'd be a much safer country.
true and irrelevant

what does that have to do with non-IS muslims sexually assaulting non-muslim euros

or christians being more dangerous than muslims
The million dollar question he keeps avoiding at all costs

Because our gubmt fucks us over ($$$)....to further fuck them over....

We therefore have to let these monsters come over in droves to physically rape and assault us directly

For what? Some kind of saddist consolation prize? As retribution and reparations?

You not making any damn sense son