[T:V] screen pollution

if it makes zooloo feel better, i'll come right out and say that the mortar trail stinks. a green line doesnt have any kind of 'ooh!' factor at all... the t1 and t2 mortar trails had that beautiful distinct look and were great to watch as they shot through the air. i dont see the same appeal in a green line.
Krytoss said:
if it makes zooloo feel better, i'll come right out and say that the mortar trail stinks. a green line doesnt have any kind of 'ooh!' factor at all... the t1 and t2 mortar trails had that beautiful distinct look and were great to watch as they shot through the air. i dont see the same appeal in a green line.

Not to mention the mortar explosion still looks like a wussy hand grenade going off.
Krytoss said:
if it makes zooloo feel better, i'll come right out and say that the mortar trail stinks. a green line doesnt have any kind of 'ooh!' factor at all... the t1 and t2 mortar trails had that beautiful distinct look and were great to watch as they shot through the air. i dont see the same appeal in a green line.

Theta said:
I dun see how a trail can affect gameplay. We'll see I guess.

I think there are some cases where a trail could be useful, such as if the ball had a similar trail. ie. Even from a screenshot, you can tell whether the ball is going up or if it's already peaked, how fast it is going horizontally compared to vertically, as well as being able to extrapolate its path. The flag trail also catches your attention and shows you the path that the capper is taking. I don't think the jetpack trails have much practical use, it just makes the game look like Homeworld.
personally the t1 mortar trail actually made me laugh, and the T:V one looks nicer and more refined, and I'd much rather be killed by one of those than by an ugly green smokey thing :<
Lotus* said:
personally the t1 mortar trail actually made me laugh, and the T:V one looks nicer and more refined, and I'd much rather be killed by one of those than by an ugly green smokey thing :<

Yes, but you see here is the problem. You are a member. By default, and aggrevated by the fact that you are dissing T1, your opinion not only doesn't count, but is wrong. Please ctrl + k on behalf of the entire TW vet community. Thanks.

Disclaimer: the above post in no way reflects the true opinions or attitude of its poster.
I never said I dont like T1. I said I didn't find the T1 mortar trail scary. Thats an entirely different thing ;/
I agree wholeheartedly, that lil feeble green line is a poor excuse for a "Mortar Trail". Come on guys give us something with a little more substance. ;) Either way I don't really care, but I would like to see some good 'o green puffs of smoke behind that mortar when fired.
The smoke puffs of the T1/2 mortar gave it a somewhat majestic look, which the weapon - let's face it - deserved. A thin pale line doesn't do that.
(A new player) "So whats the difference between the things with yellowish trails (GL projectiles) and the ones with green trails (mortors).

(A vertern) "Well son, the green ones basicaly just make a little bigger boom, that's all."

It was funny in my head when I started posting :\.

I still maintain that the projectile and its trail should give you an idea of the damage its going to inflict before you ever see one explode. If a new player has to stand around one time to find out what a the green trail thingys do, thats one time too many. I remember the first time I ever saw a mortor, I ran before it exploded. That trail told me it was gonna mess me up.
I like the "smokey" mortar trail because it brought variety to the visual aspect of gameplay. In T2 all the weapons were visually different. A thin line looks like a cheesy video game effect (especially with all the other trails in the mix) - not a smoking pile of hate heading your way.

I do like the trails that follow the players/flags. They look better than the jet pack's cotton-puff smoke trails that earlier videos showed. They new trails are a bit long. I can only imagine what a screen full of a dozen guys with jet trails and disc/mortar trails would look like - probably something like the strip in downtown vegas :eek:
What about color blind people?

"Either I am going to grab that passed flag or watch the chat window screm pwned for 5 minutes."
The disc trail is way too flamboyant, attention should be directed towards the actual disc, not the huge, bright, long lasting trail it makes, which actually appears to hide the disc when looking straight down the smoke trail and block a bunch of your fov.
I agree that I like the Tribes 2 trail effects for the grenades and mortars better.

Nothing is more scary than seeing the mortar seethe out its green smoke with that hideous hissing sound and then being blown away by a massive explosion that shakes the screen.

I do think that the new trail effects look good for the disk launcher and the buckler though. I'd give the buckler a different color than blue though, to make it instantly distinct from the disk launcher disks.
Personally I think the game looks kickass visually speaking.

Maybe some things don't need trails, but to be honest I am not even worrying about the graphics one little bit.

All those different trails are going to give information as to what the other player is doing, allowing for deduced compensation and counter moves.
Makasuro said:
So it seems the majority of people agree, the wimpy trail effects suck. REVAMP THEM.

Although i have a feeling that most people will have their particle effects set so low it wont matter.