European Aryans - the most aesthetically beautiful & intelligent race

Damn shame the only thing he's prideful about is something as insignificant as his skin color, which he associates everything else to... stupid as well...
Skin color? Oh boy are you ignorant...

No, I'm pretty sure you've made the point as to which one of us is ignorant here and it isn't me.

Or do you want to make the case that the example you are using are Iranians since the is where Aryan is derived?
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Most jews today are not Israelites. They are Khazars, who converted in roughly 500 A.D. I believe.

Sure they look "white". That's because they've adapted themselves through hundreds and hundreds of years to blend in to the host population in which they parasite. However, a Russian Jew is 6-7 times closer genetically to a Spanish Jew than to other Russians.

Jews destroy nations they reside in. This is why they have been thrown out of various (at some point, each) European nations.
the "false jew", correct?

i read about this a long time ago and while i found it to be rather interesting, where i got lost on it was the whole fundamentalist "Satan's seed", crap.

in fact, anytime any discussion moves towards the religious fundamental side to make a claim, i throw it out the window.
More ignorance, I'm not a jew, a mutt like the vast majority of people in America, including you.

How's it feel to know the human lineage stems from Africa?

Why do you deny your roots?

The oldest bones were found in africa, that doesnt mean that all humans came from africa
That doesn't necessarily prove that people originated in africa.
but the theories pretty much show it to be true.

we are finding DNA markers that are linking humans from all over the world back to small tribes in africia. its really interesting science to see who we have evolved into who we are today, from what we once were.
The science regarding human origin today is politically influenced. The money behind it wants to desperately prove that blacks have any worth in the world.

There are several other theories for human origin, with better supporting evidence.
You need to refresh your ignorance there jugger.... throw that term 'dna' in the mix...

you mean humans are related to humans? get the fuck outta here! whoda thunk it.

That still doesnt prove that the species originated in africa.