[Westworld] WTF season 2

How to write for Westworld:

This world is <insert abstraction>. Are we just <insert tryhard philosophy>? Which timeline is this? Who cares nobody will be able to follow it anyway.

This show sucks and would've been fucking awesome with just a straightforward Western with killer robots.
season 1 started OK but got a little contrived halfway through. at the end it picked up steam and in lew of GoT or true detective i welcome the new robot overlords
I think thInk the show is great - will be interesting to see where they take this season. Kind of think the samari thing is a bit of a red herring
Westworld is a fun show, some interesting acting and characters in a cool world.

Also the fake deepness of the show is nice because you don't really have to pay close attention as the minutia will either not matter or be clearly explained later.

It is mindless pulp packaged as prestige TV and I am down with that.
They toned down the nudity. I think so far all we've seen is a guy's junk. Last season it was tits every 5 minutes.
So far season 2 is pretty bad.

Season 1 used (unbeknownst to the viewer up to a point) a non-linear timeline to setup and tell a story. However, the payoff of this storytelling was at the end of the season.

Season 2 uses this same trick but since the audience is 'in on it', the writers use it to just retcon anything they want into the show and validate it by having occurred earlier in the timeline.... which is infinitely less impressive than what they tried to do with Season 1.

Why invest into a show where you know the writers will just make shit up as they go? Episode 2 was total shit.
yeah i take back what i said. shit feels like LOST on steroids. i spend more time figuring out what they're hinting at then anything else then enjoying the show at this point