This is for you Trump voters.

Best view of what happened, appeared the guy was looking for a signal, then took off when he got it..

The guy looked like a mess. Greasy hair, fat, scruffy face, and his tshirt was so grey it was probably a decade old, or he doesn't know to wash the darks on cold. I think we all know what socialist jew he's voting for. I'm glad the high energy white secret service agent stopped him before he could reach the God Emperor.
Check out fucking Hillary mother-fucking Clinton:
“The ugly, divisive rhetoric we are hearing from Donald Trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong, and it’s dangerous,” Mrs. Clinton told supporters Saturday morning at the O’Fallon Park recreation complex here. “If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control. That’s not leadership. That’s political arson.”

This is one of the bitches that ran around gathering tinder, laying it all out nice and even, adding a ton of combustibles, handing out matches and lighters and now she calls this arson? Really? Fuck you lady for fucking the country and lying like a sack of shit. You played to the minority and acted like you were queen of the world while we have been telling you to STFU and sit the fuck down for years. You got a different message because you were in your #safespace.
Well at least now he'll get the government supplied healthcare, housing, and food he was so desperate for.
Man - I wish I had a TrumpMobile as big as the wiener-mobile with Donald's big orange head on top and a giant speaker. I would go drive it around Portland today and tell people to support Donald.


Also - isn't it about time to queue up Hollywood? The media is holding them in reserve like archers.
That "political arson" comment is so canned. She's not witty enough to think of that on the spot and it just makes her look awkward. I remember when she was against Obama and she said "We don't need change we can Xerox." and paused like it was the most brilliant thing she had ever said, and it just fell flat.
Why don't those people just STFU and go work. People that work don't have these issues.

Basically - if you don't work you are a terrorist.
Has Trump ever used a teleprompter?

I get the sense that there's just a sheet of paper with 6-8 bullet points and that's all he uses.
Has Trump ever used a teleprompter?

I get the sense that there's just a sheet of paper with 6-8 bullet points and that's all he uses.

No teleprompter. He will read a statement off a sheet of paper if it's an important statement, but other than that, he just goes with the flow, or uses a bullet list.