Long time no see...


Veteran X
*Dusts this off* Hey there. I've been away from TW for about 4 years and I decided to poke around now that I'm playing Tribes Ascend. I've also been pretty musically active since moving to Atlanta (and working on the World of Darkness MMO for CCP). I've been in an instrumental post-rockish band for about a year and a half now and we finished our record a couple of months ago. This is pretty much the music I've been wanting to make for a while now and I thought I'd let you guys know about it. I have no idea if anyone I remember still posts on here or not.

You can check out the album at: Capillaries

Not sure if I'll be around actively or not, but I thought I'd stop by and say hello.
Wow I didn't know CCP was working on a Vampire: The Masquerade MMO...

Awesome... It could be a little grittier looking, but it's an MMO so hmm.