[so] pretty fucked up. [scared]

honestly I felt bad when I first read the thread but I had never read of this guy's posts before. His resistance to acknowledge common medical fact is downright disturbing. I'd love to see this 'doctor' who is telling him it's ok with a condom and a pill, because he is guilty of malpractice.
honestly I felt bad when I first read the thread but I had never read of this guy's posts before.

Don't feel bad. He can beat that shit. He did the math. His doctor validated it. He's good to go down the dick schwingin' path.
No thanks, I had a close brush with HPV/Genitial Warts strain awhile back.
She was cool though and told me she had it.

I suggested we just be friends.

hey man according to wikipedia most people have it during their lifetime why dont you hop on the bandwagon

I'm sorry but that's just too good... :rofl:
I bailed on a safe 4 1/2 year relationship thinking that the grass was greener only to find out that it's not greener and it sure as hell isn't safe....

One tear falls to the pillow
as I lay here Alone...
next to YOU.

One tear for the ONE mistake made
that stole my future...knew I
shouldn't have played

One tear for the pain of losing everything
I hated with HIM before but now realizing I
loved even more

One tear for "I can never go back"
No matter how hard I try, no matter how
hard I cry

One tear for the hurt and the pain that YOU've caused me
With YOUR words and YOUR infection
I thought that YOU loved me

One tear for "It's too late now",
gotta face the facts, oh I wish I
knew how...

One tear I feel stuck I feel trapped
I feel battered...I am bruised and confused
To YOU I don't matter...

One tear leads me blindly into the unknown
a dark future to be feared,
a future alone

One tear knowing I'm not the only one...
my heart breaks for you too, yet I'm scared
that I'll find you

One tear falls knowing I will wake up in the morning
still infected and blue, still ALONE
next to YOU

One tear seems to feel like an ocean
It's only one drop but I'm Drowning...

One tear seems insignificant considering the
THOUSANDS before but One tear is all I have left...
there's no more.

Time to look up, stand up, dust off...
I will step forward, forgive and though I cannot forget
I can never look back

One tear seeps into my pillow, how could I have been so wrong?
One LAST tear shed and
I fall asleep STRONG.
This might make you feel better. A herper wrote it

" Lady In Red"


Many mistakes did she make.
The lady with the red heart
the red nails,
her red lips made.
Tasting red blood on her tougne,
regurgitating what was love.
Or what it was thought to be.
If it was love,
why did he put his hands on me.
Around my neck,
choking me,
with an evil passion only obtained by the devil himself.

Lady in red,
wearing her favorite color,
drowning in it.
Becoming less and less
aware that her red has turned blue.
He stopped choking me.
Ender has got to be the biggest faggot on this board. I didn't know that newly infected herpes carriers went through the same stages as when someone dies.

Hes now in denial. Whats next again?

God it just goes without saying, Karma is the shit. Everyone this stupid should get the herp. Hes got so much life experience though.

He's gonna be one of them faggot lawyers who has to con girls to lay him, only weeks later to find his valtrex script in his glove compartment, then hopefully shoot him. Have fun rubbing your scabbed up cock all over your M5 seats. :LOL:
Ender has got to be the biggest faggot on this board. I didn't know that newly infected herpes carriers went through the same stages as when someone dies.

Hes now in denial. Whats next again?

God it just goes without saying, Karma is the shit. Everyone this stupid should get the herp. Hes got so much life experience though.

He's gonna be one of them faggot lawyers who has to con girls to lay him, only weeks later to find his valtrex script in his glove compartment, then hopefully shoot him. Have fun rubbing your scabbed up cock all over your M5 seats. :LOL:
tell us how you really feel :lol:
:lol: wow.

Ok. I am definitely going to get tested.

In some cases, herpes takes 10-20 years for the person to know they even have it. Check the facts kid. Spoke with a Medical Doctor and they told me that as long as you are on the valtrex, and are practicing safe sex when you think you are at an outbreak you will be fine.

Like I said. Medical Doctor v TribalWar who's average TribalWar is a highschool grad working at jackntheBOX.


i don't believe you talked to a medical doctor

but i do believe this thread is a huge troll attempt