Tell me about the SJW warrior

This is a pretty good rant. I watched it last week but apparently the SJW's got a hold of it and have now convinced YT to make it 18+. Still dont know why.

Modern Art is literal shit and no way in Hell were Europeans Vikings.
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Holy shit! You can't make this shit up. The retarded leftist/socialists and progressives just keep getting more and more retarded every day. This is amazing! Both of these articles go great with the video i posted above. When everything is viewed through the SJW lens, anything can be offensive.

PETA Says Milk is a ‘Symbol of White Supremacy’

PETA’s shenanigans vary from the absurd to the downright offensive. From likening rape survivors to pigs and cows, to calling Pokémon a form of animal cruelty, PETA’s efforts to “save the animals” always make the headlines—and with good reason: they’re completely absurd.

The animal rights group today released a new video to cry over milk, equating the nutritious drink with Nazism. Following the rise in Trump Derangement Syndrome and the progressive left’s hysteria over white supremacism, PETA states:

“Did you know that milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists?”

It’s an alternative fact accompanied by an equally ludicrous video, which they published on social media. They call milk the neo-Nazi drink of choice, stating that it has “long been” a symbol used by white supremacist groups as a “thinly veiled allegory for racial purity.”

:rofl: I guess i better drink a big cup of racism with my meat for dinner. wtf?

And afterwards, i will enjoy some Skittles...


Social justice warriors see dark nod to white supremacy

Leftists on Twitter have identified yet another shocking example of the re-emergence of white supremacy and racism in America – white colored Skittles.

The social network giant was flooded with tweets expressing outrage at the fruit-flavored chewy candy being sold without colors.

“This is soooo fucking stupid. Why should whiteness mean equality?!” said one Twitter user.

“Skittles realized how white/capitalist PRIDE was becoming and wanted to join in the efforts. Interesting,” said another woman.

“Damn, Skittles turning against the coloreds too,” added another.​
Some of the tweets received hundreds of retweets.

White Skittles are nothing new – they were promoted last year to celebrate Obama declaring June “LGBT Pride Month,” so it’s unexplained why race obsessives are suddenly up in arms now.

The fact that the candy is white has nothing to do with race and is in fact a nod to the kind of mindless, virtue-signalling identity politics that ‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters would normally embrace.

Skittles introduced the new color because, in their own words, “only one rainbow deserves to be the centre of attention – yours. And we’re not going to be the ones to steal your rainbow thunder, no siree.”

However, the demand that everything has to be filtered through the lens of the ‘Oppression Olympics’ has brought with it the relatively recent trend of social justice warriors eating their own.

This has led to some on the far left denigrating LGBT causes as a distraction from the supposed oppression of black people (a phenomenon that objectively does not exist).

poop truck

i would call this art
Holy shit! You can't make this shit up. The retarded leftist/socialists and progressives just keep getting more and more retarded every day. This is amazing! Both of these articles go great with the video i posted above. When everything is viewed through the SJW lens, anything can be offensive.

:rofl: I guess i better drink a big cup of racism with my meat for dinner. wtf?

And afterwards, i will enjoy some Skittles...

poop truck

this world just keeps on making it interesting



i would ask where people come up with this shit.....but that vivid imagination pretty much all some people have left

Black Twitter Explodes After Muslim Teen Gets Into Stanford With ‘Black Lives Matter’ Essay

Social media users have slammed a Muslim teen activist who was accepted into Stanford University after writing “Black Lives Matter” 100 times in his application, with some saying a black applicant wouldn’t have been accepted.

On Monday, published an article about Ziad Ahmed, a Muslim teenager who replied to a question “What matters to you, and why?” on his college application by writing “Black Lives Matter” exactly 100 times.

Ahmed was accepted into the university. “Everyone who reviewed your application was inspired by your passion, determination, accomplishments and heart,” read a letter from Stanford posted on his Twitter.

The student, who claims also to have been accepted at Princeton and Yale, explained to Mic why he wrote the slogan so many times on his application: “My unapologetic progressivism is a central part of my identity, and I wanted that to be represented adequately in my application.”

He added: “To me, to be Muslim is to be a BLM ally, and I honestly can’t imagine it being any other way for me. “Furthermore, it’s critical to realize that one-fourth to one-third of the Muslim community in America are (sic) black … and to separate justice for Muslims from justices for the black community is to erase the realities of the plurality of our community.”

The more i read Heatstreat, the more i like it.
u kno i think 4 the first time since i became old i am very happy to not be in my youth, leaving high school and ready 2 realize my dreams of going 2 killer parties and getting laid at the campus of state university college

so many lamer kids these last couple years :( wtf where my country gone?

California high school replaces girls' bathroom mirrors with signs of affirmation


A high school in California has done away with mirrors in its girls' bathroom and substituted signs of affirmation.

Laguna Hills High School students look at signs that say things like, "You are beautiful" and "You are enough," instead of looking at their reflections.

It was the idea of Sabrina Astle, 17, who told ABC News that she "wanted to find a way to make a difference through our Kindness Club on campus. This is why I started making the posters in the first place."

Because in State run Marxist daycare centers, no one has a front facing camera on their phones.
The SJW originated in the mid 80's with the rise of dual income households, which forced many children into cramped day care facilities where the children were required to compete with each other for the attention of single, childless women, who teach them that masculinity is shameful and toxic. As those same children entered their teenage years in the 90s, parents began catering to their children's incessant demands. It was a time of economic prosperity, and rather than teach their children any form of discipline or self-reliance, they provided them with every luxury available in order to satiate their tantrums.

Enter the 2000s, and the real boom of the internet. No longer just for nerds, social media platforms emerged and created a new space where the still attention starved brats could receive it in droves. It was not enough to have a few close friends, one's self worth was measured entirely by the number of friend counts on various platforms. Children learned that sharing empty platitudinous remarks would earn them more shares, more likes, more friends. It was no longer enough to lead a moral and virtuous life, one must now demonstrate that virtue to others. Dyed hair, visible tattoos and piercings, and eye-catching fashion choices became cultural norms to express individualism collectively. The act of not expressing virtue gradually becomes reprehensible. Facts and logic become meaningless in the pursuit of self-worth and value.

Finally we reach today, where decades of pointless, undeserved accolades have created a multi-generational group of shitty writers, actors, and singers who were never really criticized for anything. They stare around the room, either still in their parents house or in a shitty 3BR apartment they share with 8 people, and wonder where things went wrong. They got the 4 year college degree in Art History after 9 hard years of study, but they can't find work to pay off the $300,000 private school loans they took. Gone is the free cable, the free internet, the free housing, the free car, the free food, and they regress to the same tantrums they threw in day care. This is not fair. This is someone else's fault. I want what I had, and you have what I had, therefore you should give me what you have because I deserve things. Instead of self-reflection on the choices they have made, they now discover an adulthood of incompetence. They have no intrinsic value to society, and extreme cognitive dissonance sets in. I have no value, yet I've been told by everyone that I do. My book goes unpublished, my job is being replaced by an LED screen, I am not famous, I own no home, I have no kids, but if I update my facebook profile picture to show solidarity with Paris everyone acknowledges how amazing I am.

This marks the arrival of the social justice warrior. An attention starved adult child who cannot come to grips with the terrible choices they've made under the lax supervision of absentee parents. Their self-perceived victim status elevates their need for more attention, finding solace with other like-minded individuals, and making unreasonable demands based solely on even more virtue signaling. Standards of success are kept shockingly low, as the goal is merely to garner attention and not accomplishments. Marches for rights already obtained ensue, selfies at environment protests, carefully framed to avoid showing their litter, flood the internet. Praise is showered upon them from their vapid, meaningless social media echo chambers. Today we accomplished nothing, and it was amazing how much people appreciated it.

Touching. Very nice.
Yea Fools' definition was pURe genius.

This is a pretty good rant. I watched it last week but apparently the SJW's got a hold of it and have now convinced YT to make it 18+. Still dont know why.

Modern Art is literal shit and no way in Hell were Europeans Vikings.
Pretty good? That there is top shelf rant and a beautiful deconstruction of "art." I need to plagiarize what he says.

My wife has artsie fartsie friends (they're marketeers). They use to invite me to come along with them on their art tours due to my insightful comments, and well, cause they look even better having a sexyman along. :king: But I just couldn't stop the sarcasm from flowing when I saw the turnstile art exhibit or the "I made a dinosaur out of plastic lawn chairs" exhibit. By calling bs on the banal to the gallery hosts, my group of hot females became menstrual and uncomfortable with me. They were judgemental! and banished me from further participation. :(

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jfc arsin def gotsa b da biggest pussyass cuckfuk nerdgin lil faggit how do him find motiv8 2 not kill self each day hmmmmmmm smdh lol :jester:
Germany, completely run by SJW's and Jewish political ideology of Socialism, Marxism and Progressivism, is now in a real pickle.

Jewish Boy, 14, Forced to Leave German School by ‘Muslim Bullies’

German authorities are under pressure to open a national inquiry after a Jewish boy aged 14 was forced to leave his Berlin school after being violently bullied by Muslim classmates.

The boy, whose mother is British, has been removed from the Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule in the German capital because of what Jewish leaders have described as “anti-Semitism of the ugliest form”, according to reports.

The child has been sent to an international college instead.

His parents had picked the Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule (pictured) because they considered it a model of multiculturalism. Many of its pupils are of Turkish and Arab extraction.

However, according to the boy’s family claims that when his classmates discovered his Jewish background, they turned on him, with one saying “Jews are all murderers”.

The news site reported that the abuse later became violent, with classmates physically attacking and even strangling the teenager, as well as brandishing a replica gun in front of him.

It is claimed the school was slow to act, despite repeated complaints from the family.

Josef Schuster, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has called for an investigation. He told Tagesspiegel that “if the report is true, it is deeply shocking. This is anti-Semitism of the ugliest form.”

He also said that Muslim communities “must also actively fight anti-Semitism among their ranks. It can’t be accepted that hatred of Jews and Israel can be promoted in German mosques.”

The controversy will likely add to problems for German chancellor Angela Merkel, whose policy of allowing about 1 million north African and middle eastern people to settle in Germany since 2015 without consulting the nation has been consistently criticized in some quarters. The anti-Semitic parallels with Nazi Germany will only add to her discomfort.

“These cases are becoming ever more common, and not only in Berlin,” Levi Salomon, a spokesman for the Jewish Democracy Forum told Tagesspiegel. “It is high time the federal government set up a commission for anti-Semitism.”

But, you can't help but to question the Jew being bullied. A YUGE part of me believes this story is a complete fabrication. Time and time again, we have seen Jews invent anything to try to get the victim label applied to them and gain sympathy in the publics eye and are the main purveyors of victimhood. Germany cannot win here and with a greater % of their population being self hating Germans, they cannot wish this away. They are now forced to defend Jews at all costs for the invented sins of the past.

I mean, Jews are actively trying to gain sympathy across for being, and i shit you not, 3rd generation :lol:caust survivors.

Holocaust survivors' grandchildren call for action over inherited trauma

Jewish activists in Scotland have started a campaign to support the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors across the world, saying the trauma of the extermination camps continues to haunt the descendants of those who suffered there.

Our Responsibility As Third Generation Holocaust Survivors
