TEST is bad at corp theft

I'm a logi guy in TEST and once you get in, you get access to the logistics hangar which has about 8-9 logged containers, but about 2-3 billion worth of stuff just available for loans (covops cloaks, SBUs, BRs, etc.)

That's all on the honor system of course, and an alliance this big isn't going to sweat 2-3bil of losses, but just the same some guy stole all the stuff that wasn't nailed down last night.

So at this point the logi channel lights up and everyone is like okay, we're changing API rules, someone stole a bunch of shit.

An hour goes by, and we find out this dude actually contracted all this stuff, and then all his stuff to an alliance JF service to Jita.

I'm gonna repeat that.

He stole a bunch of shit from the alliance...

And then contracted it back to the same alliance...

along with all his own stuff...

to haul his stolen goods from alliance space to Jita.

So now we got all the stuff back, the thief is blacklisted from the two largest coalitions in EVE, and they're auctioning his stuff off to the highest bidder.

fuckin eve man.
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