[Official] Game of Thrones Season 2

If they're following the books that's all well and good, just another reason I haven't bothered to read them

Game of Thrones, at least in the first season for me, was all about political intrigue and medieval fights and Sean Bean. It was the first to take fantasy and make it gritty, dark and real

Now you've got scenes where they feed cutesy dragons and handmaidens get in bitchy catty woman fights. Big characters are randomly killed off by vagina smoke monsters and everything just seems to be turning into a Tolkien novel.

It's not like I dislike typical fantasy, I enjoy it. It just wasn't what I was expecting from this series.
Minor (i believe) spoiler about the shadow thing whatever.  in the books she makes 2 shadows killing 2 diff ppl. In the tvshow it looks like they cut out the whole siege of storms end. When davos ships her under storms end (what we see in the show) renly is already killed by another shadow prior to this. The shadow she releases under the castle kills a guy who served renly who refused to yield the castle to stannis. 

So if anything theyve toned it down. Now shut up.
Eh, it's a spoiler about something that's already happened and that's been changed. It's safe for us illiterate folk.
whatever dude, it flew and it had just been born, knew exactly how to navigate in the night time without even a fucking map

jesus dude, its a fucking demon given a semblance of shadowy human form. You really think its some sort of new born creature?

Melisandras' pussy was just the portal to enter the world and Im pretty sure once its mission was done it went back whence it came.
If they're following the books that's all well and good, just another reason I haven't bothered to read them

Game of Thrones, at least in the first season for me, was all about political intrigue and medieval fights and Sean Bean. It was the first to take fantasy and make it gritty, dark and real

Now you've got scenes where they feed cutesy dragons and handmaidens get in bitchy catty woman fights. Big characters are randomly killed off by vagina smoke monsters and everything just seems to be turning into a Tolkien novel.

It's not like I dislike typical fantasy, I enjoy it. It just wasn't what I was expecting from this series.

It must suck that the show isn't following the path that YOU were expecting it to. It IS however following the path that the author expects it to. It's still gritty and dark.

Cutesy dragons? I'm sure you had a major problem with them when they were hanging off her tits too right? They're new, they'll grow and be quite a bit different than cutesy.

Renly was not a big character. He had all of like 10 minutes of screen time in the entire 2 seasons combined, and for the entire first season he was "that gay guy."

Having read the books, i'll tell you in all seriousness, this isn't anything like a Tolkien novel. Stop being so cynically TW and give it the benefit of the doubt. It's a great story, and just gets better.
As a reader I don't think we're going to ever get the kind of magic that is present in other fantasy series (say, Malazan or WoT) and I'm glad. I like the low fantasy, politics, and scheming aspect of the series more than anything else.

That said, it's drilled into our heads right off the bat that magic is real and there are definitely creatures/deities in the series that have what looks to be some considerable power (the red god, the white walkers, dragons). Some of the stuff we see is very overt but most is pretty subtle.

That said, as more and more magic makes its way into the series there's a chance that it may jump the shark and end up the way some of you fear. I really hope it doesn't and I have some faith that it won't. I don't think we're ever going to get battle mages running around shooting lightning out their finger tips or teleporting armies across the globe due to the way Martin has set up the cost associated with magic.

It must suck that the show isn't following the path that YOU were expecting it to. It IS however following the path that the author expects it to. It's still gritty and dark.

I think GRRM is trying to fit in what he can in 10 episodes per book. It should be more like 18 episodes per, imo. I'm thinking that 10 episodes per season will sell a $60 DVD set just as well as an 18 episode season will :shrug:
I love when the story line deviates from what people think it should they get so butt hurt about it. Apparently they are doing something right because they got you to care about it.

It's not your story, stfu, sit down, and quit your bitching.
wtf are people complaining about magic for? Did everyone forget the first five minutes of the very first episode that had the White Walkers in it? If that didn't scream "This show will have magical/fantasy elements to it" then I dunno what would.
My issue is that while they may be reducing the actual instances of magic taking place, given the time allotted them, they have chosen instead to give these scenes a considerable build up and screen time, whereas some of the major political motivations and more subtle bits are being either omitted or greatly simplified.

I mean it's cool and all, I still really like the show, but it isn't holding to the precedent I felt the first season established.
wtf are people complaining about magic for? Did everyone forget the first five minutes of the very first episode that had the White Walkers in it? If that didn't scream "This show will have magical/fantasy elements to it" then I dunno what would.

yeah. you people are clods.
book 5 spoiler, don't read if you haven't read the books:
