Fuck it cold

Seriously though, I really don't understand. Is being pissed off for 4 months because it's cold and snowy supposed to be part of life? I don't think so. There isn't a single thing during the winter months I looked forward to and a fuck ton of things I hated about winter I hated so I GTFO.
The snow was ass deep last winter but I still was outside grilling a nice steak whenever I felt like it. Get fucked you pussy.

And that must have been so badass/insane. Good job.

I grilled a steak whenever I felt like it in 70 degrees with no snow on the ground.

I should throw out a disclaimer. I don't think all people that live in the North East/Mid west are stupid. People love those areas for other reasons, I understand that. I just get tired of people who live in those areas complaining about the cold all the time. Fucking move. You're not stuck there.
I just get tired of people who live in those areas complaining about the cold all the time. Fucking move. You're not stuck there.

I agree with you about folks who live up here who bitch about the winter. I could have stayed in Fort Lauderdale but choose to live in Michigan because I love the winter. :sunny:
It went down to 60°F last night. T-shirt weather.

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It's 55 down here in Ft. Lauderdale. Finally get to turn the AC off. Temps will go back into the 70s by Friday. We get these waves where it goes into the 50s, but then it warms up again. Sometimes it goes into the 40s and they talk about all the crops that will die unless they water them. If it goes into the 30s, people take pictures of frozen water on their cars.
It's 55 down here in Ft. Lauderdale. Finally get to turn the AC off. Temps will go back into the 70s by Friday. We get these waves where it goes into the 50s, but then it warms up again. Sometimes it goes into the 40s and they talk about all the crops that will die unless they water them. If it goes into the 30s, people take pictures of frozen water on their cars.

Sounds like the people of Florida believe parking lots are crops full of cars that will die if they aren't watered