You were right all along



Party HornParty Horn We won! Party HornParty Horn

We’re still celebrating. Are you?
Kinder Morgan construction stopped last Thursday. The shovels are down, the chainsaws are silent. We knew this would happen. But, in this era of broken promises and political recklessness, it’s especially important to celebrate historic wins like this.

We couldn’t have done this without you.

The court validated what we’ve been saying all along.
As our leader Elizabeth May predicted, the Federal Court of Appeals unanimously found that the Liberals:

violated the rights of numerous First Nations. The project review failed to properly consult multiple First Nations groups.
downplayed the environmental risks, especially to killer whales. The National Energy Board lowballed the project’s tanker traffic off the coast of B.C and virtually ignored the threats to endangered marine life.

We warned Justin Trudeau that this would happen.
We knew Kinder Morgan didn’t have the legal authority to break ground for pipeline construction.

That’s why Elizabeth stood with First Nations, environmental groups and B.C. residents at the Burnaby Mountain work site in March. Before the protest she explained why she was there:


The Liberals didn’t listen. In fact, she was arrested for civil disobedience, charged and fined for contempt of court.

But Elizabeth would not be silenced. On April 15, she asked Canada:


The Liberals still didn’t listen. So Elizabeth called out Trudeau on May 16:


She said it again June 11. The Liberals didn’t listen, but Elizabeth May was right. She warned that their pipeline would fail a legal challenge, and now it has. (Well...for now.)

While Trudeau cut corners to buy a leaky pipeline, Greens like you have been fighting for justice.

Last week, our protests were vindicated: the legal case for Trudeau’s pipeline scheme is shaky, at best.

Thank you, Alexander. Your voice and generosity have helped us stand up for the environment, the economy, and the constitutional rights of First Nations. Without you, this win would never have happened.

But our work isn’t over.
This week we celebrate. But soon we’ll hear from the government. They might try to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. Conservatives are pressing them to use legislative tricks to bypass the court. Whatever happens, we need to be more united than ever and show Trudeau that this pipeline is NOT in our national interest.

Stay tuned. We need you in on this fight.

Keep up with this critical campaign as it unfolds. Double-check your contact information.

In solidarity,

Green Party of Canada

P.S. If the waiting game isn’t your style, you can still sign Elizabeth May’s Parliamentary petition and say no to this pipeline scheme. Once you sign, please make sure to check your email and click the link to confirm your signature.
Pipeline project falling through; real reason...
world don't need your dirty oil
We got our own and better
He makes an actual coherent thread and you criticize him? Only criticism I have is maybe cliffs be nice for those of us with short attention spans.