Just back from China

And scooby you are being totally fulled becauae you went to the one modern tech city regular people are literally not allowed in certain cities ....it would be like us building a city in nebraska out of the blue and only allowing the smartest highly educated live there and only tourists or others with passes work there


shenzhen literally had an 85km barbed wire fence around the downtown economic zone for the last 30 years, they just tore it down this year :lol:
wtf i only post thinking i am on ignore by 99% of ppl on forum but samuwel write me an essay

all this community informant police state shit is real but is legislated privately viewable only for some people, doesnt need an internet website to be real
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i got no problem getting rid of social entitlement programs, we should start with all that shit for old people

gimme my 2.3 trillion back so we can get some modern infrastructure in our cities

if we just cut social security and medicare/medicaid/chip/aca that's 2 trillion dollars in the bank right there

im good with that

you good with reimbursing what they paid in?
is this a troll?
fuck, i'd say that's one of the best things about china is their lack of
fuck the muslim religion
it is not made to melt in.

I'm pretty sure China has a huge group of muslims imprisoned right now pretty much for being muslims
Once they connect genetic engineering to the social score system they can make sure that all citizens fit the right mold.
fun fact only about 1/4 of Shenzhens population are actually citizens

the rest are migrant workers

perfect city of the future!
I was there for 2 weeks in 2008 and visited 8 different cities.

My main memory - I couldn't believe how unattractive the vast vast majority of Chinese women are.

China is a country of the haves and have-nots. When you're hanging with the haves in a place built for them, it's great.

We were buying wood products so we had to go out into the country and factories and working conditions are scary.

Overall, I have to say in some ways I admire their ability to get shit done. No environmental studies, no NIMBY, no protestors - if they decide a building is going in, it's happening and fast.

I think the social credit system is legit freaky scary when think of all the ways AI can track everything you're doing. People joke about it now, but I don't the Black Mirror episode is that far off. They already restrict travel, put your name and face up on billboards - NPR podcast with some info -
China's Social Credit System : Planet Money : NPR
China always plays the long game. This is how it looks -
while the west - particularly the USA is feeding them cash, ideas, tech - we are useful for fueling their communist agenda. They also believe there is no way a nation of idiots, sinners and drug addicts can survive for too long as a society. Look, the Constitution was only created around 250 years ago and people are already trying to destroy it. 250 years in not that long in China time. They figure that the US will fizzle out. Maybe even have a good majority of the population convert like Scooby and start a play for the country from within.

However, make no mistake - they are in the game of bringing "order" to the world. They are just very, very patient.
o yeah, nothing like imagining that either a few pay now or the rest of us pay it all later

crazy concept with promises made of paper IOUs that everyone should believe in
You know there will be some low scoring social scorers disappearing. They will be analyzing their DNA and brains to see if there is something in common. Something part of the system that can be modified to make the person more docile. If it was me - I would focus on the oldest part - flight - fight and fuck - none of those are good in the average citizen. Different for their solider class. (Can we say lessons from nature and in particular insects?) - Then, maybe modify the next level - the part driven by dopamine. Maybe create a way to release a synthetic dopamine into the system when the person does something "good" on the social scale. That way - the only way to get pleasure is for a programmed behavior. Of course, the trigger could be coded to whatever the masters wanted. Perhaps even being able to release something that triggered something like a migraine for "bad" behavior. Who knows how far these fucks are going to take it.

Meanwhile - perfectly free people have lost track of how awesome freedom is. We invent minutia to bicker over. Do all you fucks think that it is happenstance that men and women in the USA are not hooking up as much?


Look at this chart and think about it for a minute - is that whack or what? You would think the birth rate would go up with prosperity. The details go deep because we all know that the S&P doesn't tell the whole story about personal well-being.

Whatever - back to the topic. All you people who are bitching and moaning and shooting off your fucking mouths should shut the fuck up, focus on your work, focus on where you spend your money, focus on who we put into power, see if you can rediscover your common sense and learn too be thankful for what we have. Which is AMAZING and well worth protecting.

Also - if you don't like it here - seriously - go away and do a stint somewhere different. Like Venezuela. Remember that? The progressive wave of the future? The model that we should follow here in the USA? Not so pretty.

I am glad that Scooby went and drank some koolaid and came back to re-assure us that China is awesome and friendly and that everything is great. Plantations were awesome as well. Not so much for the blacks but pretty amazing to behold back in the day.

Not to be too hard on Scoobs - I am just kind of yanking your chain because it's your thread - here is the thing - imagine how nice all of the US could be if tax dollars were spent wisely. There are plenty of countries out there that stay nice mostly because the people are not fucking slobs. They don't litter. They don't consume as much. Everything is not disposable. These are all things we can do in the US and many do just not enough.

I will finish this shit pile of a post up with a nice Frank Zappa quote

I believe that people have a right to decide their own destiny; people own themselves. I also believe that, in a democracy, government exists because (and only as long as) individual citizens give it a temporary license to exist - in exchange for a promise that it will behave itself. In a democracy you own the government - it doesn't own you. Along with this comes a responsibility to ensure that individual actions, in the pursuit of a personal destiny, do not threaten the well-being of others while the pursuit is in progress.
and? none of our business.


(horrifying... read about lula and nana or someshit?)

Yeah - a Chinese scientist -
On Monday, an Associated Press report of the world’s first gene-edited babies—twin girls nicknamed Lula and Nana—rocked the scientific community, and not in a good way. Chinese scientist He Jiankui admitted to using the CRISPR/cas9 gene-editing tool to modify human embryos, in hopes of making them resistant to HIV. He said the girls, who were born earlier this month, are “normal and healthy,” but critics say it’s still too early to judge. While outside scientists have yet to confirm that He truly did genetically edit human embryos, if the claims are true, the experiment represents a major breach of research ethics.

Trying to say it's in the name of HIV - yeah right. Fuck this asshole and fuck the Chinese and any fucking country pursuing the editing of human DNA. We are too dumb to play in that game. It is the road to our eradication. Laugh all you want but mark my words.
wading through brasstax's wall of inane gibberish, he does make one very good point and that's that china is most definitely not our friend and we, as America, as well as we, as the white race, are not doing a single fucking thing to prepare for whats coming next