[official]the nyc story every non-troll wants to read told by fraggle

that tan girl in the pics told me saturday that i seemed cranky the day before and 'not nice.' while i didnt think i was acting like that she was probably right to be honest. i was frustrated at times but out of all of the group who went, i've probably spent the most time with akuma so i wasnt too surprised when "30 girls" werent there.

i dont hate mike at all and im very grateful for the ride to and from the airport and the place to stay in jersey but i didnt really feel like i was on vacation when were in NJ, if that makes sense. the selfishness of the breakfast incident and the cover at the bar did bother me a lot though.

i think mike knows everyone was disappointed in the execution of the trip and i hope he learns from it. he certainly seemed to do so after the friday night blow-up because saturday night was leaps and bounds more fun.
glare can you clarify for people that the IM GONNA STAB YOU NIGGER part actually happened. everyone keeps telling me thats the one part of my story they can't believe.
maybe he was just trying really hard to make sure it was fun

Doesn't really account for the huge thread he had telling everyone about the beach house with 40 girls. If I had gone on the trip with the beach house in mind, I'd be super pissed to find out there were no bitches. Just a fat chick w/ a boyfriend.
I remember him yelling at the black girl but not the actual words, I thought he called the window screamers nigger
yeah when akuma said "dont worry, ill pick everyone up, park my car somewhere else cheap, and we'll all chip in for your cab" i knew i was going to be paying for my own way to and from the airport

and that is how it turned out

FC spent too much money this trip period, for everyone. glare gave me 20 bucks to help cover a taxi but i turned around and just gave it to hellraisr since he drove us everywhere without complaint. akuma was asking everyone to pay him back for the one bar tab he picked up that he claims was $200 or something but i wouldn't be surprised if the receipt said $100.
im not sure, i honestly cant recall whether he said it or not because that was so long and so many drinks ago.

i was as far away from that train-wreck as possible.
akuma told me he was picking up fancy and glare and i was only taking excel. so i came in my hatchback coupe, and not the grimacemobile. it was funny having fancy and excel in that thing at the same time, i must say.
excel why don't you have a debit card

Dont like the idea of them. Where I live, you dont need cash, period. There arent any stores that are cash only, the bars all run tabs.

I want a buffer between my money and the wide wide world of sports, so I use credit.