The real duel challenge

it is very amusing to see you be a reactive try hard while raging and egoing out over a 18 year old dead video game in 2015 and if him not dueling you continues this trend i think that would be equally as good a choice as seeing a good duel too as far as entertainment value goes

probably more entertaining in fact
if u had just wrote that in the op without the shit talk i wouldnt have made fun of u and achieved victory in ur own thread

if u had just wrote that in the op without the shit talk i wouldnt have made fun of u and achieved victory in ur own thread


oh god saying "izza you've had plenty of excuses" is such immeasurable shit talk, how could a t1 player even respond to such despicable comments

i dont know dare

this is truly one for the record books
jerry rice can we focus on just getting izza to accept my challenge

despite your heroic journalism where you clearly caught me dodging a challenge and i wasnt afk during the entire time playing dota with copa, definitely not
I haven't played in over a month after I had been playing about a week straight and now u want to duel me of course...u were not afk on that server I also have the demo of it
oh so for the 4 months straight of me asking to duel you and you wouldnt join the server, you are actually gonna try to grasp on to some point where I didnt even see your challenge LOL
has it actually come to that point for you izza

the "duel king" has fallen so far down, that rather than joining the server and trying to duel for nearly half a year, you try to point out that I missed some challenge where i was clearly afk playing dota with copa

damn man

that's low

i used 2 respect how good of a dueler you were; i didn't think this is the route you would take