Voice binds that should be added back in T:V


Veteran XV
While T2 had better voice binds overall, the T2 DEV guys deleted a number of good ones (not just talking about the better T1 globals). Specific binds that should be added back include:

1. "Our flag is mined."
2. "Clear the mines from our flag."
3. "Thrax is gay."

Also, assuming Team Rabbit will be in T:V, I think binds should be added for it. SB Kinchyle made a great pack with assorted useful things like...

1. "I'm falling, throw low."
2. "I'm climbing, throw high."

PM him in #sbtr2 for details. While Kinch released a lot of super scripts, I think they kept the bind pack to themselves. Hence, I'm sketchy on details.
No Problem is so much better than Anytime.

Crap and Oops were awesome.

Our Flag Is Mined should be automatic like in T2.

Clear Our Flag and Clear The Enemy Flag are both very useful, along with, Is Our Flag Secure?
Thing is, voicecomm often fails due to lag, static or general web or application-specific badness. Also, it is often cluttered - regardless of how disciplined your team is in its use.

Keybinds are hugely helpful.
Our flag is mined should be a bind and not automatic.

It was only automatic in T2 because they FORGOT to record it at the recording session and had to add it in later.
"You Idiot!"

One thing that would be nice is to have all the T1 and T2 binds packaged, either the straight audio clips or revised versions, but not have them all bound to keys. Only bind a starting set and have the others in for users to choose what they want/need.
Two requests:

1. A new voice bind for "Please" by itself. Maybe a normal "Please" and an more urgent sounding "PLEASE!"

2. If binds are customizeable (a la QuickMenu), it would be nice to be able to build multi-sound "strings" with defined delays in playback. Example:

"Give me the flag, please!~wflg.give.wav~d250~wgbl.please.wav"

Where "~d250" would be the delay in ms between start of message and playback of the next wave. The standard limit of 5 seconds could be applied to the "string" of audio. You could provide an option in settings to either block multi-sounds, or only play the first one.