Thrax, I have a request...


TWS Champion
Veteran XX
I know it's at least a year and 71% too early, but:

I think Lucius should be on the beta. I didn't want to forget to request that a year from now. His comments, while none of them may be included, have greatly contributed and fostered thoughts and ideas certainly in me, and I'm sure in other players as well. Also, his attention to detail (re: the cgm article that contained pictures of the "filler" reflections) would probably be extremely helpful.

In short, Sir Lucius, will you have my babies?

Thanks Thrax.
You realize that any loser who spends all day on their computer could sound just as dedicated, right?

It's nice to know people care about you (thanks :] ) but in all honestly, if they REALLY needed my input I'd be working for irrational or something.

I'll see thrax at at Uva5, so I think that's enough for now if I want to drill him for any answers.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't me. It was more like special, and the idea had been tossed around by a few others too I think.
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Grappling hook is a bad idea for T3 CTF.

It might be an interesting weapon for single player and TR2. Perhaps make it so that there are different classes of weapons like "sports" weapons (grabbling hook, various "effects" weapons that allow you to drag on people or push them away or such), and a class of military weapons.

Like using a Javelin or a Discus as a weapon. :]

So, in multiplayer CTF you only have access to miltary style weapons (disc, mortar, grenade launcher, etc). TR2 you'd have access to "sports" weapons (grappling hook, modified disc, etc), and in single player you'd run into a combination of both.