[QuakeWars] Enemy Territory

Well, message me or something and I'll join another one with you. I checked and you were on a full one too sucka.
I usually join my usual haunts and there are usually 12/24 to 16/24. Then again I have seen servers with 6 VIP'd seats.
I really hate the servers that say 20/24 but they have 4 slots saved for their team members or whatever.
I really hate snipers on some maps, because it feels like you're getting headshot'd all the way across the map. I usually assume there is some cheating going on though, Punkbuster seriously can't handle it all.

Sniping is quite easy in this game, I usually suck at it, but as GDF I get about 61% accuracy with the sniper rifle. It used to be even easier until they nerfed sniping in one of the patches.

Backstabbing is where it's at. Nothing like backstabbing someone trying to plant a HE charge :lol:

Although today one of the top ranked medics killed me with the defibrillator...I hate it when that happens :(
You can kill Strogg with the defibs? I didn't know that, but that's also what I liked about the GCF. Reviving people is pretty instant so you can pretty much dart in, revive, and dart out. Then again some people are idiots, they go into choke points Rambo-style and when they fall to three Strogg Hyper-spammers they expect you to come in and revive them. Seriously fuck that, Medics should be helping in a firefight and then reviving when it's clear. Not in the middle of it, though it does help throwing down med-packs and stroylent from behind cover.

Is it me or is Medic/Tech the easy mode? Seems when I play that I'll easily get 3x more XP than with other classes.
Dunno, depends on how your team is doing. I usually get the most XP as a Soldier/Aggressor but I still choose to do Covert Ops.
Well I focus on one class each campaign. I pull in the least doing Covert Ops, the most doing Medic. Engineer depends the team. If deployables and vehicles are getting hit hard you make a lot just fixing shit. Not to mention it's great getting into a Titan and riding around and then pulling back to fix everything.

I find the REAL trick is to cycle through your missions to ones you can do. If you know a deployable is broken, flip to that mission and do it and easy XP. I have seen as an engineer you don't get XP for fixing things unless they are mission objectives. Need to have the mission up to do so.

When I Soldier I usually grab the rocket launcher because there's always vehicle pros driving/flying around wreaking havoc. Or if I can get a Husky/Icarus I can move behind lines and blow up deployables and shit. Of course it's hard to do once you run out of ammo...
Nice to see some more interest. I've been afk for a few days, moved back home for summer and social / family issues. If anyone is interested, the TGL season finals are going down right now, and I'll be playing in a match this week.

The super medic (GDF) is fucking unstoppable when you get a really talented player in.

If you start vehicle whoring, engineer is by far the easiest class to get XP for.

On some maps, nubetoobing (RL and oblit) can really get you some decent XP.
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Why does the 360 demo of this game look like it has ps2 graphics? It felt like I was playing Killzone

Overall it was meh, but its hard to tell from a crappy demo
Why does the 360 demo of this game look like it has ps2 graphics? It felt like I was playing Killzone

Overall it was meh, but its hard to tell from a crappy demo

The console version sucks from the player reviews I've read.

What I like about this game is the different ways you can play it. I remember playing as a engineer, waiting until I got self arming mines, and then playing an offensive style. As GDF, place a mine on a hog and see what happens. If you time it right, as a soldier, you can arm a charge on a vehicle, and then drive it suicide style into a deployable or enemy troops for much lols.

But this is how I like to play the covert ops class, the 3rd eye kills on the tormentor always make me laugh, it gets people really really angy :lol:

Level 4 for self arming mines. I tend to get them more often as Strogg, as you spend a lot of time repairing stuff, and I prefer playing Strogg as everyone wants to go GDF. The mines take roughly the same time to arm, but you don't have to fiddle with the repair tool, just drop and forget.
I see more people wanting to do Strogg. Icarus = Prime artillery strike/sniping locations and in close quarters hyperspammers work wonders.
Man that was gay as shit. Some Strogg Eng in a hover tank was basically had us stoppped getting the MPC into position. I kept shooting his ass with the rocket launcher but he immediately retreats and repairs. And the one time I follow and kill him as he repairs, he managed to insta-spawn and fly back to his precious tank before I could destroy it. I was basically duelling with this idiot the whole time (he got most damage at 35K) because no one else was bothering to address all the rampant plasma cannon deaths.

It didn't help the ENTIRE strogg team were engineers so they planted like 5 - 6 APTs and AVTs all over the place.
I would have respawned as a field ops, and either dropped a hammer or rocket artillery on him. Either that or a well placed airstrike marker.

There's been more than a few games where I've played GDF and nobody has bothered to actually drive the MCP at all, or even worse, no-one goes engineer. Fucking Australians are retarded.
Ranking/Name		Rank			Total XP	Accuracy	Kills	Deaths
49950*FishStix 		General 		119,381		30%		20,707	17,107
87825*dev- 		Commander General 	101,225		29%		17,684	15,768
170345*DaJackal 	Captain 		20,989		34%		2,390	3,239
25317*Colosus 		Second Lieutenant 	18,547		26%		3,206	2,405
88083*FuriousJodo 	Gunnery Sergeant 	8,741		32%		1,772	1,730
22501*DwarfVader 	Lance Corporal 		3,201		27%		493	541
34261*ArcaneXanth 	Private 		1,859		31%		416	367
88635*gothaggis 				178		38%		16	42

Yeah I'd be higher up based on how much I've been playing recently, but some of the servers I've been playing on are not ranked.

Yeah, I'd have made that guys life hell Feannag...

Field Op's all the way, every time he got that tank up there, I'd have rained rocket arty on his ass.