We need more of you to play battle dawn... teedub world takeover.

get your ass to siberia
get your ass to siberia
get your ass to siberia
get your ass to siberia

How much time does this game require? And is the world filled with rampant bleeding vagina faggottry like tws?
not much at all....and yes....

it seems people win by tribehopping....when faced with real opponents they tend to run like screaming little girls...
Aight, I'd like to join in, but I'm in Australia conquered by some fag who named his colony Mother Russia. I should be able to relocate pretty soon, and when I do, I'd love to have a little help taking his bitch-ass out. I'd like to have a training base and a warp gate near me before we do this, because when Mother Russia goes there'll be a shit-ton of newly liberated colonies we can take over in the name of teedub.

Ideally, we'll be able to take over every colony in Australia not controlled by somebody off-continent that's surrounded by allies.
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gweedo don't mind him. Just build up your resource producing buildings if you are in the cluster and those of us with lots of units will keep you covered.

One of us will get a starting guide put together and posted in the subforum. (you should probably apply for access to the maffiabattle subforum and get on IRC)
Do the fucknuts have a gallery? Cant seem to find one and killer gfx is the only prerequisite for me playing web based games.