Musashi's Passion starts some fun

jotun said:
archbishop complains to colosus about musashi's passion flash
colosus sends witty reply
colosus is congratulated
archbishop shown to be some crazy hick
rafa claims to be some sort of supernatural being
fraidycat is dumb
TW goes to hell
tx :)
Leland said:
I have also noted your lack of respect for my title and other brush offs.

Most Rev. Leland J. Lannoye

Colosus said:
Good. I had feared I was a little too subtle in the beginning. Now that we both understand that I could care less if you were the Pope himself, what exactly was offensive enough to you to warrant a (poorly) written complaint to a small website that has no official ties with any organization?

Was it the dancing Jew? The Roman tic-tac-toe on Jesus' back? Just a wild guess, but I'm assuming it was the sodomy. Also, just out of wild curiosity... Why should I have respect for your title? You are an Archbishop of the United Catholic Church, are you not? Which is simply a lesser denomination of the Roman Catholic Church. Neither of which do I recognize as my own religious center.

If I were to start my own religion based on the worship of Mountain Dew... Would you respect my title? Just figured I would ask while I had your attention. Have a great day.

Cardinal DeWald
Church of Mountain Dew
Colosus, you could let the Archbishop know that four out of five rabbis recommend TW to those people that ask.
See where that leads...