[so] pretty fucked up. [scared]

Haven't got tested yet.


Then again, should I?

Brasstax is a pimp bumper. I just noticed he bumped this thread all the time. Brasstax, I am honored to be stalked by you. Never been stalked by a tribalwar poster before. But should be fun.

It is kind of weird you have my threads bookmarked. Oh and we need a :creep: smiley. lol.
Bookmarked? WTF would anyone need to bookmark this shit for?
A) It's not that fucking old
B) If you search for herpes scared it pops right up.

No need to bookmark it. It's pretty much Enders and Herpes all the way.
All around the red rashy bush
Ender licked the pussy
All of a sudden he looked up and said -
POP goes the herpes.

Apparently they read TW :lol: