Fallout 3 = Oblivion with guns

It's on the same engine as Oblivion, and you're surprised that it feels like Oblivion?

Aren't you a huge fan of Bethesda's work?
It's on the same engine as Oblivion, and you're surprised that it feels like Oblivion?

The point is that it is a Fallout game.
Fallout games are absolutely nothing like Oblivion.
Bethesda promised that they were not simply slapping a new coat on Oblivion.

Yet it is exactly like Oblivion.

There's no surprise.

I'm simply pointing out that they lied and that it is not a legitimate Fallout title.
It's the only one that matters considering that the vast majority of the people playing had never heard of Fallout before a year ago.

I will admit that I had never heard of Fallout before this game. My first thought was "They had a Fallout 1 and 2? "
I will admit that I had never heard of Fallout before this game. My first thought was "They had a Fallout 1 and 2? "

its a shame, you missed out

im not quite sure they hold up well today, other than replaying for nostalgia :shrug:
I have to agree with 100% of that.

All very good points.

It's an OK game if you think of it as a spinoff like tactics rather than as a true sequel (which it obviously isn't).

They fucked up the lore and a bunch of other gameplay stuff such as the economy. It doesn't have an economy like Fallout, it's the same exact economy as Oblivion.

On the up side the landscapes are beautiful as always and it's really cool to be able to see a post apocalyptic wasteland in that detail and from the first person perspective.

Also, I can't believe you're bitching about the file extensions. They could be .fart for all I care. If the game was more like Fallout it wouldn't matter what the extensions were.
For all the fallout fanboys who like to hate on this game. If it came out and was based on mad max meets The Road and had a different name what would your opinion of it be?

The game on its own, regardless of past associations, is a lot of fun. It's too bad fallout obsessed people can't look past that and enjoy the game for what it is.

The point is that it is a Fallout game.
Fallout games are absolutely nothing like Oblivion.
Bethesda promised that they were not simply slapping a new coat on Oblivion.

Yet it is exactly like Oblivion.

There's no surprise.

I'm simply pointing out that they lied and that it is not a legitimate Fallout title.

:shrug: I suppose.

I am not disappointed, though. I got what I expected and am thoroughly entertained by it.

Actually, now that I think about it - if Oblivion had VATS, I'd go back and play it and maybe not quit after finishing the assassin missions.
For all the fallout fanboys who like to hate on this game. If it came out and was based on mad max meets The Road and had a different name what would your opinion of it be?

That's the main point of contention.
No Mutants Allowed for all its hate (and boy can they hate) admits that if this was not a sequel to fallout, they would consider it a good enough game. There was a poll on NMA a ways back, and most people would bitch less if it was just considered a spinoff like Tactics. Most of them would put up with Oblivion gameplay if they hadn't fucked with the setting and plot as well (I know I would).

They're not pissed because it's not a good game, they're pissed because it's not Fallout and Bethesda basically just used the franchise as a massive publicity stunt to sell their new oblivion, ignoring what made the Fallout franchise such a big name in the process, and what's worse, they're essentially restarting the entire franchise with something that is inferior.

You can't just grab a franchise, throw away everything that made it a franchise in the first place and then expect the people who have been supporting it for decades to accept what you just did with open arms; especially if the whole time you're lying to them, insulting them and ultimately ignoring them.

Hell, most people on TW are PC gamers. When someone grabs a PC game and dumbs it down for consoles, it's fucking annoying.
That's what Fallout 3 is. They can claim it's a PC game first, but it's a dumbed down Fallout for the console generation.

You can't just grab a franchise, throw away everything that made it a franchise in the first place and then expect the people who have been supporting it for decades to accept what you just did with open arms; especially if the whole time you're lying to them, insulting them and ultimately ignoring them.

Sure you can.

Pyro, meet Tribes Vengeance.
You can't just grab a franchise, throw away everything that made it a franchise in the first place and then expect the people who have been supporting it for decades to accept what you just did with open arms; especially if the whole time you're lying to them, insulting them and ultimately ignoring them.

I'm glad they ignored the NMA crowd, they're nuts over there.

It's a very real possibility that fallout3 will sell more copies then fallout 1, 2 and tactics combined in its first month. So they must be doing something right.

Another question. Interplay owns the MMO rights, and has brought in some of the original staff to make it. If Black Isle did an action fallout MMO, what would your thoughts be?
Also, didn't I read somewhere that caps were the currency of Fallout 1, and were useless by the time of Fallout 2?
the game stands on its own regardless of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2

the storyline is fantastic
the environment and locations are well done
the survival feel is there with ammo/food/rest/rad/cripple
you can really see the effect of perks and bonuses
it's huge
VATS and the related perks are sweet as hell

good game is good
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It's also pointless to assume that for succeeding generations old histories are not subject to revisionism.
The spate of superhero movies have all changed the histories we grew up with, significantly.
Same thing happens to games as a way to sell them to new players who never heard of Fallout or Daggerfall.
It's a very real possibility that fallout3 will sell more copies then fallout 1, 2 and tactics combined in its first month. So they must be doing something right.

Wel duh. Those games are from the '90s when pc's weren't that common.
Fallout 3 is also the only one of them to be released on the console.