Rap Metal's Not Dead!


Some of us haven't been in a band in a while, and we're kind of psyched about this. We're called Boomside (named for a drug-infested low-income housing complex where we're from.) It's four best friends just turnin' up and having fun. I'm generally not into rap metal, mostly because either the rapper and/or band are wack, but I think we do it right.

This is one of the first times that Boomside is being broadcast publicly. It's certainly not for everybody. However, there's more to come - not all heavy and with a wider variety of flavors than this song indicates. I feel like our main audience would most likely be 14-24 year olds who like hoodrat shit.

With that being said, here it is, our first music video!

BOOMSIDE - Be Afraid

Vocals - His Highness Lord Grand Boulevard
Guitar - Scumbag Jim
Bass - Warsaw Budd
Drums - Thörr Stack

Find us on Facebook /BoomsideNY