Riots and media blackout in UK after Tommy Robinson arrest

This might get interesting. HuffPo 'journalist' doxxs some twitter chick and is apparently making some waves. The left is breaking ranks here and will more than likely be reminded of who they can or cannot belittle.

Trump’s Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec
@AmyMek anonymously spread hate online for years. She can’t hide anymore.

She was supposed to be a Russian bot. That seemed like the best explanation for @AmyMek. No normal person could be so prolific and prejudiced.

For five years, the mysterious Twitter account ― which has more than 200,000 followers, including Sean Hannity, Roseanne Barr and the personal account of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and has earned endorsements from Donald Trump and Michael Flynn ― has tirelessly spewed far-right propaganda and, above all, Islamophobia. Around 25 tweets a day, sometimes more, the majority of them designed to stoke hatred of Muslims.

Even her Twitter bio, which features a grainy photo of a blond woman who claims to be a vegan, gun-loving psychotherapist and “fixer” fighting for the “wrongfully incarcerated,” felt janky. “[A]n ideological theme park map” is how Maureen Erwin, a political consultant who wrote about her search for @AmyMek last year, described it.

There is a real person, however, behind the bio. The headshot is real, if dated. And the Twitter handle, surprisingly, differs little from her actual name: Amy Jane Mekelburg.

Mekelburg, who declined multiple requests from HuffPost to comment, has managed to keep almost all of her personal information off the internet. The 45-year-old resident of Fishkill, New York, grew up in a Jewish family in East Brunswick, New Jersey, a fairly affluent community not far south of New York City. Her father owns a wholesale business called Mekelburg Co. that sells magnets, keychains and assorted gimcrackery. Her brother runs a popular restaurant and craft beer bar in Brooklyn that also bears the family name.

From the start, Mekelburg turned to racist far-right conspiracy and propaganda sites such as InfoWars and Gateway Pundit as sources. She bashed welfare and Obamacare and fast food workers striking for higher pay. She mocked liberals for supporting Trayvon Martin, the black teenager shot to death by George Zimmerman. She fearmongered about immigrant rape gangs and government gun grabs, often attaching hashtags such as #tcot (which stands for Top Conservatives On Twitter) and #PJNET (Patriot Journalist Network) that would soon be widely used by Kremlin-controlled troll accounts. Her main target was the “tyrant” Barack Obama, whom she branded an “illegal alien” and a “jihadist.” She tweeted that “Obama’s evil is limitless.”

In 2014, she also started using neo-Nazi terms like “cultural Marxism” and borrowing propaganda from white supremacists like Kenn Gividen, who runs a racist website and at one point was the presidential candidate for the white nationalist American Freedom Party. She encouraged her readers to follow Jared Wyand, a white supremacist and anti-Semite who openly praises Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust happened.

And on and on. :lol:

A Neo-Nazi Jew folks. When everything can be considered a civil rights issue, everything can be considered racist. Even a Jew!

Apparently, this Leftist reporter has never heard of all the well wishes and high praise being directed to Jews... by the entire Islamic world.


I guess there is a youtube dude called Arab Andy that just got arrested for a bomb threat.

The threat and the arrest.


We live in a society where pedophilic sodomite demons are allowed to indoctrinate and abuse children, and if you dare to speak against it you’ll be called a bigot, lose your job, and CPS will take custody of your kids.

like I said.....the joke isn't that Amadeus types is that you find out they really run most of our system. They are the judges, the juries, the heads of alphabet agencies and the lawyers now.
Nathan Larson is a pedophile and a white supremacist. And he's running for Congress

Nathan Larson, a man who advocates pedophilia, white supremacy and rape, and who served 16 months in prison for threatening to kill the president, is running for Congress.

While Ralph Northam — then the Democratic nominee and now governor — agreed Larson's views are "abhorrent" and that he is not fit for office, he stood by the move to restore rights to people who served their sentence and are now living as law-abiding citizens.

Took them away for a reason there Sparky
good thing it was just fun and games


no real harm was done by another pedo with self constraint as amadeus words it

People need to come to the realization that same sex oriented people have a mental disorder and start treating them as such. You wouldn't leave your kid with the neighborhood retard like Jason Kotz Serial Rapist from Chicago (by way of Bartlett) would you? Of course not.
How else would you know that they're a pedophile?

Then it's up to the professional to make a recommendation and a judge to make a decision. Will the patient respond to an out-patient treatment regimen? Will they adhere to it (take their meds without stopping because they "don't like the way they make them feel")? Does the patient pose a threat to themselves or others? It's not about punishment, it's about public safety and the pedophile is a part of that public. Stop being thick.
Then it's up to the professional to make a recommendation and a judge to make a decision. Will the patient respond to an out-patient treatment regimen? Will they adhere to it (take their meds without stopping because they "don't like the way they make them feel")? Does the patient pose a threat to themselves or others? It's not about punishment, it's about public safety and the pedophile is a part of that public. Stop being thick.
Remember, we're talking about a person who never exhibited any interest in children. Isn't that fact alone enough to demonstrate that they're not a threat to public safety?
People need to come to the realization that same sex oriented people have a mental disorder and start treating them as such. You wouldn't leave your kid with the neighborhood retard like Jason Kotz Serial Rapist from Chicago (by way of Bartlett) would you? Of course not.

what world do you live in.... I know many gay bro's and dykes that other than the tool they like, are normal regular human beings.

You are dumber than flies circling shit.
what world do you live in.... I know many gay bro's and dykes that other than the tool they like, are normal regular human beings.

You are dumber than flies circling shit.

Cool story bro. Doesn't change the fact they have a mental disorder