Godzilla! Huge Earthquake in Japan

NHK has press conference on.

Lots of apologies, and they are ignoring the question on how serious this is. Sounds like they are leaving the pumping crew but evacuating the others.

On Air : jibtv.com
Man, the reporters are raping this poor spokesman.

He's giving them excuses like "Maybe the gauge is wrong"
:lol: PK thinks talking about the reactor is "off topic" and "hostile" even when he attacks me first talking about someone completely different that was trolling the thread. Karma is a bitch dude, just keep that in mind. I wouldn't be sitting on TW picking fights with people watching the news if I was really where you claim to be.

Suppression chamber is on the bottom.
I know this is TW and everything, but maybe LGBR has taken enough lumps over this. He's young, imperfect and enthusiastic about Japanese culture. He made rash predictions and received his smackdown. I'm guessing there are other targets that deserve more attention. But, hey ... if you don't agree, then flame on!

when someone accuses you of being stupid and arrogant before having all of the facts, and then is proven with hindsight to have been stupid and arrogant, and then leaves without so much as a "whoops i was wrong sorry guys", that individual deserves all of the anal gangbanging that occurs in the wake of that conduct.

i actually like lgbr, but he was a fucking retarded moron in this thread, and i got pretty fucking sick of the holier than thou attitude he took towards people who, ultimately, were just concerned and doing the best with the information they had available.

and i think the same can be said of a few more people in this thread. i think we can all agree (i think) that no matter what, this situation is pretty horrible, and we are concerned for the japanese, and hope that things work out for the best for them. and i think anyone who has that attitude should not be actively discouraged from thinking that out of a misguided and hostile need to correct what is perceived as ignorance.
Pretty much anyone who has trolled this thread is a worthless piece of shit. Especially someone from said zone of destruction. (Which I highly doubt at this point).

I have Japanese friends who have family over there and they are just looking to get and share facts like most of us here. The people trying to put words into other people's mouths and start the usual TW bullshit really need to grow the fuck up.
Pretty much anyone who has trolled this thread is a worthless piece of shit. Especially someone from said zone of destruction. (Which I highly doubt at this point).

I have Japanese friends who have family over there and they are just looking to get and share facts like most of us here. The people trying to put words into other people's mouths and start the usual TW bullshit really need to grow the fuck up.

as you just pointed out in the u mad thread, you enjoy pissing people off

so i'm not sure that you are above the fray on this one

i've met pumpkin king and he is a great guy, i'm not sure why you are giving him so much fucking shit
I love pissing people off in an everyday setting, but I don't troll catastrophes of massive death such as this.

PK started shit with me for pointing out some other trolls inaccuracies, I have no idea why, probably cause I was telling his friend Goshin to grow a brain.
I love pissing people off in an everyday setting, but I don't troll catastrophes of massive death such as this.

PK started shit with me for pointing out some other trolls inaccuracies, I have no idea why, probably cause I was telling his friend Goshin to grow a brain.

stfd and stfu already
you are indeed right in with the trolls on this