Petition for an Imposter pack in t3

Imposter said:
Fuck You Mr. "oh I Got A Big Ass Bomber Named After Me But You Can't Even Have A Pack"

Rayn was the bomber. I was the MPB, but neither of us got anything so quit your whining.
I tend to agree that the silly topics should be left to the General Tribes forum. I want to discuss legit aspects of the Tribes series here, not "ha ha funnee!!" topics.

But that's just me. :|​
That's all fine and good Creole. You just gotta post. We are just filling space. The more topics and conversations going, the more this forum will be used. Lead the pack. Start some discussions.
there certainly should be an "australian pack", that does nothing to the gameplay, but just makes the wearer 10x cooler then everyone else in the server...