Fps help...


Veteran X
Veteran XX
I'm getting a shitty 40 frames in tribes i had it running smooth at one point but this is just terrible. Here is my clientpref.cs maybe someone can help me?

$pref::animateWithTransitions = "True";
$pref::autoBuyLoadout = "true";
$pref::AutoRefresh = "true";
$pref::autoSpewPacks = "false";
$pref::autoUseShield = "false";
$pref::autoWaypoint = "2";
$pref::buddyList = "simple";
$pref::buddyList0 = "simple";
$pref::carrierAutoWaypoint = "1";
$pref::cdMusic = "FALSE";
$pref::clientSideExplosions = "True";
$pref::CommanderZoomTime = "250";
$pref::ConnectionGoodPing = "125";
$pref::ConnectionPoorPing = "250";
$pref::cpu = "";
$pref::damageSkinDetail = "2";
$pref::defaultLoadout = "3";
$pref::defaultZoom = "0";
$pref::Display::gammaValue = "0.999566";
$pref::dynamicLightDistance = "200";
$pref::favorites1_ = "Light Armor,Disc Launcher,Grenade Launcher,Laser Rifle,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Repair Kit,Bullet,Disc,Grenade Ammo,Mortar Ammo,Plasma Bolt,";
$pref::favorites1__name = "Heavy O";
$pref::favorites1_Annihilation3187 = "Titan,Baby Nuke Launcher,OS Laucher,Particle Beam,Phase Disrupter,Rocket Launcher,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Nuclear Device,Disc,OS Rockets,Disrupter Ammo,PlasmaBolt,Rockets,";
$pref::favorites1_Annihilation3187_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites1_AnnihilationLH2574 = "Titan,Baby Nuke Launcher,OS Laucher,Particle Beam,Phase Disrupter,Rocket Launcher,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Nuclear Device,Disc,OS Rockets,Disrupter Ammo,PlasmaBolt,Rockets,";
$pref::favorites1_AnnihilationLH2574_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites1_AnnihilationLH2575 = "Titan,Baby Nuke Launcher,OS Laucher,Particle Beam,Phase Disrupter,Rocket Launcher,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Nuclear Device,Disc,OS Rockets,Disrupter Ammo,PlasmaBolt,Rockets,";
$pref::favorites1_AnnihilationLH2575_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites2_ = "Heavy Armor,Chaingun,Disc Launcher,Grenade Launcher,Mortar,Plasma Gun,Targeting Laser,Shield Pack,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Repair Kit,Bullet,Disc,Grenade Ammo,Mortar Ammo,Plasma Bolt,";
$pref::favorites2__name = "Heavy D";
$pref::favorites2_AnnihilationLH2574 = "Builder,Railgun,Rocket Launcher,Builder Repair-Gun,Pitchfork,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Disc,PlasmaBolt,Railgun Bolt,Rockets,Shotgun Shells,";
$pref::favorites2_AnnihilationLH2574_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites2_AnnihilationLH2575 = "Builder,Railgun,Rocket Launcher,Builder Repair-Gun,Pitchfork,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Disc,PlasmaBolt,Railgun Bolt,Rockets,";
$pref::favorites2_AnnihilationLH2575_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites3_ = "Medium Armor,Chaingun,Disc Launcher,Grenade Launcher,Plasma Gun,Targeting Laser,Inventory Station,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Repair Kit,Bullet,Disc,Grenade Ammo,Mortar Ammo,Plasma Bolt,";
$pref::favorites3__name = "Farmer";
$pref::favorites3_AnnihilationLH2574 = "Chameleon Assassin,Disc Launcher,Plasma Gun,Sniper Rifle,Targeting Laser,Chameleon Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Disc,PlasmaBolt,Sniper Ammo,";
$pref::favorites3_AnnihilationLH2574_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites3_AnnihilationLH2575 = "Chameleon Assassin,Disc Launcher,Plasma Gun,Sniper Rifle,Targeting Laser,Chameleon Pack,Repair Kit,Grenade,Mine,Disc,PlasmaBolt,Sniper Ammo,";
$pref::favorites3_AnnihilationLH2575_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites4_ = "Light Armor,Chaingun,Disc Launcher,Grenade Launcher,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Repair Kit,Bullet,Disc,Grenade Ammo,";
$pref::favorites4__name = "Capper";
$pref::favorites4_AnnihilationLH2574 = "Necromancer,Targeting Laser,Ghost Pack,Spell: Death Ray,Spell: Disarm,Spell: Shocking Grasp,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,";
$pref::favorites4_AnnihilationLH2574_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites4_AnnihilationLH2575 = "Necromancer,Targeting Laser,Ghost Pack,Spell: Death Ray,Spell: Disarm,Spell: Shocking Grasp,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,";
$pref::favorites4_AnnihilationLH2575_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites5_ = "Light Armor,Chaingun,Disc Launcher,Laser Rifle,Targeting Laser,Energy Pack,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Repair Kit,Bullet,Disc,Grenade Ammo,";
$pref::favorites5__name = "Sniper";
$pref::favorites5_AnnihilationLH2574 = "Troll,Mortar,Plasma Gun,Rocket Launcher,Stinger Missle,Vulcan,Targeting Laser,Troll Pack,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Disc,Mortar Ammo,Disrupter Ammo,PlasmaBolt,Rockets,Stinger Ammo,Vulcan Bullet,";
$pref::favorites5_AnnihilationLH2574_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::favorites5_AnnihilationLH2575 = "Tank,Tank Blast Cannon,Tank Rocketgun,Tank RPG,Tank Shredder,Targeting Laser,Repair Kit,Beacon,Grenade,Mine,Blast Cannon Shots,TRocketLauncher Ammo,RPG Ammo,Tank Shredder Ammo,";
$pref::favorites5_AnnihilationLH2575_name = "<Loadout Name>";
$pref::filterBadWords = "True";
$pref::flipFlierY = "False";
$pref::freeLook = "True";
$pref::freeLookAlwaysOn = "TRUE";
$pref::helpPopups = "true";
$pref::HrlmDetail = "1";
$pref::hudPositionsCHud::Container = "0 0||0 0 0";
$pref::hudPositionsCtfHUD::Container = "0 0||0 0 0";
$pref::hudPositionsItemHUD::Container = "1455 0||1 0 0";
$pref::hudPositionsRet_Hud = "928 508||0.5 0.5 0";
$pref::hudPositionsWeaponHUD::Container = "55 1010||0.045455 1 0";
$pref::ignoreTargets = "False";
$pref::interiorLightUpdateMS = "16";
$pref::InteriorTextureDetail = "0";
$pref::JGSortAscend = "False";
$pref::JGSortAscendSecond = "False";
$pref::JGSortColumn = "7";
$pref::JGSortColumnSecond = "-1";
$pref::LagTimeout = "700";
$pref::lanOnly = "false";
$pref::LastMission = "TesseractLT";
$pref::LastMissionType = "0";
$pref::LastTrainingMission = "8_Destroy";
$pref::mapFilter = "15";
$pref::mapNames = "True";
$pref::mapSensorRange = "True";
$pref::mapSensorTranslucent = "False";
$pref::maxConcurrentPings = "10";
$pref::maxConcurrentRequests = "6";
$pref::maxNumSmokePuffs = "250";
$pref::messageMask = "-1";
$pref::miniMapAlpha = "0.820513";
$pref::miniMapAutosize = "False";
$pref::miniMapRotate = "True";
$pref::miniMapSquare = "False";
$pref::miniMapWidth = "228";
$pref::miniMapZoom = "1.75";
$pref::mipcap = "9";
$pref::msgChannel = "0";
$pref::MSMOTD = "<f0>Tribes is being reborn!<f1>\nExplore the inner workings of Tribes at\n<jr><f2>www.Annihilation.info \n";
$pref::MSName = "t1m1.Tribes0.com";
$pref::noEnterInv = "true";
$pref::noIpx = "false";
$pref::NumDecals = "50";
$pref::OOBGridAlpha = "0.641026";
$pref::OOBGridColor = "0.3 0.3 0.6";
$pref::OOBGridColorOutside = "1 0 0";
$pref::OOBGridPercent = "0.641026";
$pref::OOBGridVisible = "True";
$pref::OpenGL::AlwaysRGBA = "False";
$pref::OpenGL::flushAfterPasses = "True";
$pref::OpenGL::NoAddFade = "False";
$pref::OpenGL::NoPackedTextures = "True";
$pref::OpenGL::NoPalettedTextures = "true";
$pref::OpenGL::singlePassThreshold = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::Use32BitTex = "False";
$pref::OpenGL::useMultiTexturing = "True";
$pref::PacketFrame = "32";
$pref::PacketRate = "30";
$pref::PacketSize = "500";
$pref::pingRetryCount = "4";
$pref::pingTimeoutTime = "900";
$pref::PlayerFov = "105";
$pref::playerShapeDetail = "1";
$pref::PlayerZoomSpeed = "0.011";
$pref::PlayGameMode = "JOIN";
$pref::playVoices = "True";
$pref::politeGui = "True";
$pref::quickstart = "false";
$pref::requestRetryCount = "2";
$pref::requestTimeoutTime = "900";
$pref::resetZoom = "true";
$pref::resolveHostnames = "true";
$pref::screensize = "1";
$pref::sensorOn = "True";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay0 = "0, ON, 71";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay1 = "1, ON, 82";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay10 = "10, ON, 97";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay11 = "11, ON, 141";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay2 = "2, ON, 71";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay3 = "3, ON, 374";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay4 = "4, ON, 97";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay5 = "5, ON, 201";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay6 = "6, ON, 200";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay7 = "7, ON, 182";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay8 = "8, ON, 96";
$pref::ServerColumnDisplay9 = "9, ON, 189";
$pref::sfx2DVolume = "1";
$pref::sfx3DVolume = "1";
$pref::shadowDetailMask = "5";
$pref::shadowDetailScale = "1";
$pref::skyDetail = "1";
$pref::sniperCrosshair = "True";
$pref::sniperCrosshairTexture = "True";
$pref::starDetail = "1";
$pref::staticShapeDetail = "1";
$pref::TerrainDetail = "1";
$pref::TerrainLODAmount = "0";
$pref::TerrainPerspectiveDistance = "1";
$pref::TerrainTextureDetail = "1";
$pref::TerrainVisibleDistance = "1500";
$pref::TimeScale = "0.1";
$pref::useAureal3D = "false";
$pref::useCustomSkins = "True";
$pref::useDSound = "true";
$pref::useDSound3D = "false";
$pref::UseFilter = "0";
$pref::useLive3D = "false";
$pref::useMouseSmoothing = "False";
$pref::vehicleShapeDetail = "1";
$pref::VideoFullScreen = "TRUE";
$pref::VideoFullScreenDriver = "OpenGL";
$pref::VideoFullScreenRes = "1920x1080";
$pref::VideoGamma = "0.499783";
$pref::VideoOpenGLMode = "Generic";
$pref::VideoWindowedDriver = "OpenGL";
$pref::waitforvsync = "false";
$pref::weatherPrecipitation = "True";
Details would be nice. What does smooth mean? 100+ FPS? What video card, cpu or memory do you have? Do you surf porn sites and yell out virus time?
$pref::OpenGL::flushAfterPasses = "false";

and you should get a boost. Boosts me about 30%. Could be more.

Mayb playing with $pref::TerrainLODAmount might help too. In my case it doesn't until a value unplayable.
Don't play with those 2 settings. Disabling useMultiTexturing would pretty much get you to 50%.

$pref::OpenGL::flushAfterPasses = "False";
$pref::OpenGL::useMultiTexturing = "True";
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Windows 7 4gb ram 750gb hdd nvidia G210 512 mb

thnx grey that actually was the problem :eek: i switched it to the defualt then tried the same on my old pref
Using 1600 x 900 would probably give another decent boost, i guess it's a fillrate problem with big ass resolutions as FullHD.

FullHD has almost 50% more pixel then 1600x900. Whatever you get now, if the fillrate is the problem you could probably gain up to ~ %50 more fps using that res.
Using 1600 x 900 would probably give another decent boost, i guess it's a fillrate problem with big ass resolutions as FullHD.

FullHD has almost 50% more pixel then 1600x900. Whatever you get now, if the fillrate is the problem you could probably gain up to ~ %50 more fps using that res.

So 1600x900 would be the best resolution to use? Is that what you are saying? I use 1900 x 1080. Explain more about this topic please :)
So 1600x900 would be the best resolution to use? Is that what you are saying? I use 1900 x 1080. Explain more about this topic please :)

Dude! ;) You can't be serious. I just picked 1600x900 because it was the first common 16:9 resolution i found that is below fullhd.

No, but the fillrate can become the bottleneck in the rendering process when you run too high resolutions. I doubt you would be surprised when the frames drop when going to higher resolutions, even when the displayed stuff is the same. That's a fillrate problem. More pixels, more work. Even if the gfx card can handle all the geometry and texture procedures and whatnot properly, it will eventually fail in processing that many pixels in the required time, resulting in lower framerates.

On the other side, you could stress the gfx in other ways, even on low resolutions, like constantly uploading huge geometry data (models) or textures even if they weren't even displayed/used. In this case the resolution would not be the problem.

But since he used a card that is quite bad when it comes to the fillrate, i expect the bottleneck to be the fillrate. In this case, a resolution change will definatly make a difference. You can probably try this by switching back and forth between the 2 lowest resolutions and comparing the performance, you will probably not see any performance differences because it's the geometry/logic/texture thing that's limiting the speed. If you perform the same test on ultra high resolutions you will probably find a linear correlation between amount of pixels and fps.

It's as simple as that: If you're happy with your speed, keep it.
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Yea Groove explained it like that to me last night. I'm just wondering, like you said, if I'm stressing my graphics card with high fps and high resolution. I don't know much in this area at all, let alone computers in general so I'll never know till I ask. :) So go easy on me now.
Use the max resolution your monitor can handle. If you want higher fps, use the Performance setting in your Nvidia Control Panel.
Lol. Jackal, you're a fucking moron. Performance setting makes the game look like shit, but it's proven to raise your Fps. Mine went from 60 fps to 130+. If you use ATI, I feel sorry for you. Your constant neg repping me for bullshit is getting annoying.
*sigh* glad someone else could be my big dumb assed lightning rod. The Loss of fps I was experiencing could not have been fixed in my Nvidia control panel.
Here's one for you. Stop your bitching, and get a video card worth a damn. Fps would have improved. Fix your own fucking problems. You are the cause of them afterall.
Not necessarily. I got great FPS during 1.40 beta with my old rig that ran nVidia. Then I decided when I built my new rig to go with ATI. It wasn't necessarily a bad decision, but for Tribes 1.40 it was, because it's the only game that runs like absolute dog-shit. I can run any modern game full-EVERYTHING, but yet Tribes 1.40 won't even give me 10fps on this wide screen monitor. At this point I'm more inclined to blame 1.40.

I think 1.40 has a lot more that needs to be done with it. Even if no one said it was finished.
I started getting weird choppiness with hudbot 0.5. I was able to get it to go away by downgrading drivers. I got similar chop with 1.40 but made it (mostly) go away by upgrading drivers and screwing with settings. It is very strange. I bet Andrew runs nVidia.

X800XL AIW lol

edit: Other than a few patchable bugs 1.40 is superior in many ways. Obviously it wasn't finished but I haven't run 1.30 regularly since 1.40 got "released."
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I started getting weird choppiness with hudbot 0.5. I was able to get it to go away by downgrading drivers. I got similar chop with 1.40 but made it (mostly) go away by upgrading drivers and screwing with settings. It is very strange. I bet Andrew runs nVidia.

X800XL AIW lol

edit: Other than a few patchable bugs 1.40 is superior in many ways. Obviously it wasn't finished but I haven't run 1.30 regularly since 1.40 got "released."

That's how I was until I started running wide-screen. I wasn't getting any more than 10fps, if that, so I just said fuck it. I don't play for the graphics anyways, and the game is a fucking blast anyways without the bells and whistles of 1.40. 1.40, to me, is more about the server side stuff that no one will ever use.