Lord of the nerds

True, but then you have stuff like Elves taking on Balrogs one on one, Turin killing Glaurung, Feanor and a few elves taking on a force of Balrogs, Sauron getting fucked up by a dog and such

After the war of wrath everyone just kinda.... dies or pussies out.

'finwe' wasnt just 'an efl'

turin wasnt just 'a human'

'the battle of tears' is instructive on this
It's been 9 years since I burned through Hobbit and LOTR. At the time I tried to read the Silmarillion but I stopped when I spilled coffee all over it.

I can't believe how much of this I forgot. Possibly the only thing scarier is all the stuff I remembered.
I am almost certain most dwarf names are all norse based.. I think each race represents different mythologies.

Funny thing I found while reading Tolkien. I've never met another person called Dain, but after I read the hobbit I'm convinced my dad was a LOTR or Nordic freak when he named me.