Sierra shutting down legacy multiplayer incl. Starsiege:Tribes

Tribes is a perfect game. I can always go back to it and have a good time... like yesterday.

Well, til now. Jesus this makes me sad.
Don't tease us Rick. After the Legions stuff, we can't take much more.
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if gg did get involved I'm sure there would be a fair amount of good publicity.

Sure not a whole lot of people play any more but its amazing how many people did and has been said in here even though some of us don't play all that much any more its still a sad day.
Bummer... severe bummer...... I didn't see T2 on the list which is maybe a bright spot in otherwise depressing news for Tribes fans. it's probably not far off.

9 years is a hell of alot of time to support a game online though, it's cool they supported it this long.
9 years is a hell of alot of time to support a game online though, it's cool they supported it this long.

Sort of. But Tribes shouldn't be measured on a computer game scale, but a geological scale. 9 years is not long enough.

GG involvement? sure. I'll support anybody who keeps Tribes alive.
How many of you would be interested in GarageGames getting involved?

I think I speak for most here when I say this:

Tribes has ruined all other games, and until I get another Tribes or at least a tribes-like game that's worth playing, I live like a zombie in a purgatory game world.

So please, get involved, finish legions, make us competitive asshole fucks come alive again. For the love of Tribes.