Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

Never forget that Harvey was only dismissed after the public found out. The inner circles are ok with this behavior and have know about and even promoted it.
Where's your other hand Harvey?


Between two pillows
That cold shock of reality slowly washing over the left..

“I feel it happens a lot with women’s issues and I feel really disappointed in both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton,” said Ms. Winstead, the chief creative officer at Lady Parts Justice. “If you took money from this person, because this person had really good progressive goals that were in line with the politics, great. When you find out that this person is a monster, especially a monster towards women, why wouldn’t you denounce it?”

The guest then said that Democrats will “never have credibility” when trying to denounce President Trump — specifically his rhetoric in a lewd Access Hollywood tape, which briefly threatened to sidetrack his campaign.

“It’s up to us to demand from them [an explanation], and why aren’t we demanding from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, ‘Where is your statement? Please step up. We supported you.’”

Hillary Clinton, Obama blasted by co-creator over silence on Harvey Weinstein - Washington Times
It's not like Hollywood has ever been a meritocracy. If you don't put out there are hundreds who will. The only part of this story that surprises me is that people are surprised that a producer in a position to make fame desperate people famous.
That part isn't surprising to me.. I just wonder what the reaction would have been to "Grab them by the pussy"- "they were asking for it"
It's not like Hollywood has ever been a meritocracy. If you don't put out there are hundreds who will. The only part of this story that surprises me is that people are surprised that a producer in a position to make fame desperate people famous.

casting couch
Hideous super rich fat dude constantly surrounded by beautiful women wearing very little turns out to be a sexual predator. Shocker. I guess they were all hanging around with him because of his witty charm and definitely not because he could possibly further their careers......