64 Tickrate Tribes

its just starsiege

i even emailed them and contacted multiple people at hirez to let them know that T1 isn't in that .iso and that i'd gladly help them with getting/making a T1 download

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The free version of tribes 1 made available by gsi is still available for download from


unfortunately you have to click download twice. this will get you tribes_gsi.exe which is the very first install that i used.

watch out this probably installs to dynamix\tribes\ so make a backup if you have 1.40 living there.

it installs version 1.8 so you need to download and run a couple of patches:


will update the folder from 1.8 to 1.11


is a map update that you may or may not need i can't remember.

this would get you a stock 1.11 install that doesn't have a ski script or jump jet.

you could then drop in the x64 exe and give it a whirl.

unhelpful is working on an install if you'd rather wait and not mess with the above.

i'm looking at a tool which can upscale audio - maybe we can do something spiffy with the audio like we did with the textures.

lemon thanks for posting the cmdview script from viking. we'll look at ways we might accelerate what that script does.