
I can't read tehvul stuff it's depressing. I think if you read too much of it, it makes you worse over time. He's an incurable illness.

TPK hits the right buttons. It's like watching a masterpiece being written out before my eyes.
tpk no one hates u here, i dont think

I wouldn't care in a million years if anyone here hated me.

Likewise I don't have any feelings of hatred for anyone here.

I dislike that Milk-Man tells so many lies, but it's no big deal cus I can just link stuff and show everyone what he is doing.

ya i actually hate him

i kno he is one of those fat neckbeard anime loving losers who coincidentally played tribes and thinks we give a flyin fuk about his thoughts on the game. we all kno he is dogshit

i dont even read his posts

next 2 tehvul, id like tpk to kill himself next


I can't say that I can judge any of your abilities because you have no ladder or ranked play to distinguish such things.

You're welcome to your imagined "opinion," but that's all it is.

tpk ur a fucking noobie that played hpb tribes

u r talking about a game u didnt play when u talk about lpb LT/arena and were never good at it

they are completely different almost as different as t2classic and t1 are which many retarded people would say play exactly the same

so if u want to keep comparing one game to another go right ahead but ur a mentally ill moron and u should kill your brothers and parents and urself

K, I've got it all down man.

The only games that matter are ones that literally have no moderated competition, no victory condition for anyone who would challenge you, and are so old and dead, that anyone actually trying to beat you would be the biggest try-hard nerd loser on the planet, not to mention would have no guarantee that tons of people weren't cheating.

And yeah, true gaming skill is apparently determined by "some guy" named "Dare" who "says so" with his "opinion" after playing "shit pubs" and "shit PU's" that he himself claims to have "zero meaning". As if any of this makes any sense to anyone living in actual reality.

Your lack of understanding of what actually makes someone a good gamer in reality, (i.e. succeeding in moderated ranked play, especially in multiple games, and even more especially in new ones), shows that you were never good at anything ever outside of your shit-world imagined fantasy you built out of a 10 year old game after a decade of try-hard fanatical ultra-nerd practice.

You can enjoy being king of your tiny little dung-hill, while people that you hate, like Fire, go out and actually prove themselves, leaving you far behind in the dust.

It's all crystal clear to me now.

You're a joke with zero competitive gaming achievements in your entire life.

Fark, the crappy T-shirt I won playing in a Tribes 2 tournament is more meaningful than anything you've done.

Go out and learn a real game that people care about that has actual people playing it.

Nobody cares that you beat up on your toddler friends in backyard stickball.

i did indeed read most of this thread, and as much as i like TPKs posts, its just weird how he cant grasp basic logic of input = output.

the more time u put into something, the better u will be

unless u are fuckin retarded then u are just fukt and will never improve

First of all, that's not always true. As you saw by the posts following you, there will always be tards that can't improve.

Second of all, you are cherry picking logic to your own desire.

The truth is... the longer it takes you to learn something, the crappier you are at learning, and the less impressive you are.

It becomes even less impressive when the skill or ability in question is something archaic that people stopped caring about years ago, like disco dancing, or asteroids, or Tribes 1.

I am pegged


Good luck with everything.

hey dudes

Hey Dutch.
I'll also point out that I came back and dueled Milk-Man at a game that he had been practicing for like 10 years, knowing what the result would be.

Not a single one of you had any balls to step to my open challenge to play me at Chivalry, a game that I had been only practicing for like 3 months.

Would have been a much more fair and balanced contest of gaming skill, exactly the type of challenge that you are not fond of, yes?

I wonder why none of you had any balls?


Zero balls...

It would have been fun watching you "pro gramers" trying to take a swing at me in a game without 10 years of practice.

I would have humiliated you beyond belief. Screw you for denying me that experience. lol
is tpk having a breakdown?

Take it however you will.

I'm here pointing out that:

Milk-Man is a liar.

Dare is a complete joke that has never competed in a single active game for a day in his life.

Darkpiece is a douchbag, for deleting the greatest thread we've had in years.

And lastly, how all of them are completely and entirely devoid of any and all testicular fortitude.
it'l l come back on topic when tpk continues to say that the ladder play of LT players is worthless cuz we didnt have 9million teams like on hpb ogl and thats what makes him the best ever

at which point ill bring up tribes ascend having no teams but being broadcast as an e-sport

how the whole concepts of esports is dumb when they switch to a new game every couple years because it never lets long term strategies evolve like happened to the tribes 1 metagame and real sports

and then id use starcraft 2 where all the pros beat out a coupe million ppl to make it to the top 200 and then a year or 2 later got destroyed cuz some nerd started using a really basic and otherwise unknown strategy like 7 pool to cheese wins and beat them

sure ppl that are good now might have taken a long time to get good and might not have the most ingenuity but there are a lot of us that have been good since the game came out and just kept playing and evolving unlike him

then ill probably attack midair for trying to change the tribes gameplay again to some other bullshit dumbed down version and also attack the devs and fire for being aspergers and then the thread is back on topic about the title
cuz tpk is the equivalent of an hpb evangelical and refuses to believe the video game gameplay could evolve or that the kids (literally most of us were all kids when tribes first came out) could get really good at a video game after he quit and be objectively better