Design a Vengeance Logo

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For Kwago:

sLoGg said:
are those all screenshots wever never seen? cause i dont recognize them
I have seen the T, R, B, and S. the I and E are new to me or I just don't recognize them.

Thanks for the link to the dingBats, Heat, I've been needing those.
|MrSniper|Nyx said:
I have seen the T, R, B, and S. the I and E are new to me or I just don't recognize them.

Thanks for the link to the dingBats, Heat, I've been needing those.
Nope. You've only seen R, B, and S. T (and the map for T) have never been shown.
Thrax Panda said:
Quello è errato.
Eso es incorrecto.
C'est incorrect.
Isso está incorreto.
Das ist falsch.

May have wanted to include English as one of those...
Thrax Panda said:
Quello è errato.
Eso es incorrecto.
C'est incorrect.
Isso está incorreto.
Das ist falsch.

¿Dónde están esos papeles pintados duales del monitor? Seguramente, usted está fuera de desigual de carne de vaca ahora.
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