OFFICIAL Rover/Rocket Pod discussion thread

Thrax Panda said:
We're working on how to make them out of sticks.

As for the Burner/Burninator, I believe that Lucius pointed out that the weapon is the burner, and the user is the burninator.

Where does burnination come in
i thought the burninator was pretty self explanitory, in once that you've been hit by it, you develop a severe burning sensation, much akin to a case of roids`. It goes hand in hand with the seizure.
Thrax Panda said:

The arming delay combined with very small splash prevents anything like rocket/disk jumping.

damn, and there i was hoping i could blow myself up and watch my body fly to the other side of the map, perhaps in a genious scheme to observe the enemy base without their knowledge.. Imagine.. raining bodies... ooooh. ITS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! (literrally) :sex:
Happy Birthday?

I'm going to play the inevitable Arena gametype (whether included or fan made) in Medium armor with a rocket pod, a burner, a blaster (SHOTGUN!) and whatever other crazy new weapons might make it into the final version.

I'm also going to reskin the rocked pod to have the word "porpoise" written on it.

That way I'll always have a porpoise.

And porpoises always travel in a pod!

liquidh2o said:
the rocket pod is win in my book. It's not guided, so it will require a degree of skill to aim. Not only that, but you'll pretty much have to be distraction free to be successful with this.

Distraction-free?? What kind of game are you guys making?? So people are actually gonna have time to sit around and watch these things? Bleh.

Horrible idea in my book. Why can no one get beyond this stupid rocket/missile fetish?
Sir Lucius said:
So many people seem to be confused about the guiding. It works like the guide from the half life rpg, in that the rockets go towards where your cross hair is. Thus you could fire off the salvo, turn around and ski down a hill, and the rockets would spin 180 degrees and bee line towards where you're aiming.

I'm not confused. I just don't like it. Sorry. : \

And remote spawns? Don't like that either.
Marweas said:
'Cause we're men.

Real men don't cling to games like Quake, and the other 147 titles that used rockets/missile launchers.

I was kinda hoping for some of this originality I kept hearing about, but instead I see a weapon that was used four years ago with a new nifty guiding feature.

Don't mean to be pessimistic, but I think it's a terrible idea.

I don't mind the idea of the rover, but the remote spawn point has gotta go.