Tribes philosophy


Veteran X
Veteran XX
why would you need a patch to stop using happymod? Do people seriously not have this kind of self control? Same with radar hud it can be used in the same manner. Please don't justify by saying "but all the latest games have a radar" Tribes isn't the latest game. If it was I wouldn't be playing it still.

This is actually a topic for intellectual purposes and greater understanding of why our fellow tribe players do what they do. Please refrain from trolling i'll ignore you as if you were a infant seeking attention.

Tribes philosophy.

Tribes is the only fps game i play. if people want to "modify" it, so be it. Tribes is built in a way to where it can be modified in many positive ways. I for one am for the enhancement of looks/game play. And if everyone is on the same playing field, great. But as we all know, not everyone will or is going to be on the same level. And we can't continue to "beat a stick with a dead horse" about radar huds, HM, or any other so called "hacks," because what might be a hack to you may not be a hack to someone else.

And with all do respect, there is an old saying that goes: If you want to run with the big dogs, you've got to get off the porch.
shift told me he sets the fog line in his maps to 420


not on all maps just certain ones. Only on the ones that I was making while i was high lol :weird:

Also I no one wants to see screenshots of fucking cheats man. Keep that shit on
let's change discussion to why does fedz do what he do?

I bet new identity while arrive soon

watch for 16 ping and third person references

that or he starts playing as fedz again and claiming to have never heard of mun
recently he got rid of the 3rd person references with new smurf name airclown and started over using "fellas" as prefix and suffix to all sentence

"well fellas it was nice playing with you"
"its been a long time since i played this game fellas"
"haha ill tell you fellas my smurf name once i unrust in a couple of weeks"


i picture him like buffalo bill irl from silence of the lambs