memory foam mattress - holy fuck this shit stinks

Yep, each one has it's own remote. There's a crack in the middle. They say you won't notice it, but we do. It's like 2 separate beds now and we stay apart most of the time. Good if each person wants their own setting, bad if you want to spoon. I can cross over to her side if I want, but for some reason, I don't. So there's positives and negatives.

You need to pull her over to your side, you can use your towel to help
You need to pull her over to your side, you can use your towel to help
At 5am, I go to the bathroom, the lab jumps up in the bed and sleeps in the middle. Then Laurie lays right in the middle facing me. I hear her breathing and can't go back to sleep. That's something else we could talk about. If you have a dog, they'll end up sleeping in your bed.
I can't wait for the movie "Being NoGodForMe" to come out.

NGFM, get a GoPro and mount it to your forehead for a full 24 hours then post the video here.
At 5am, I go to the bathroom, the lab jumps up in the bed and sleeps in the middle. Then Laurie lays right in the middle facing me. I hear her breathing and can't go back to sleep. That's something else we could talk about. If you have a dog, they'll end up sleeping in your bed.

Let's talk about that
Tempur Pedic is good. Don't use the massage stuff that much, but I do put my back and feet up. Also, get a bed liner, it's a plastic type cover that will catch any spills or drool. Then you have your sheet over it. I also have a drool towel I lay on my pillow. Don't drool all the time, but that's a nasty smell.